View Full Version : Scam and Spam Members

05-02-2008, 01:24 AM
I'm making a thread for the "Scam and Spam" phenomenon of people who join forums just to post advertisements for products or to PM members with advertisements or off-topic messages. "Scam and Spam" is my name for it, but there's probably a real one. Anyways if you ever see such a post or PM please report it to us with either the Report Post feature or by contacting us.

Anyways we've just had our second member of a known forum-spamming group of people who join and send the same Buddhist-themed PM to members until they get banned. It's a "form" PM that goes:

I'm new here, how's it going?

"Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural & spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things as a meaningful unity" - Albert Einstein

Followed by a website link.

If you ever get this PM, please let me know right away. Thanks.

If there's any other specific message or whatever going around I'd like you guys to keep an eye out for, I'll post it in this thread.