View Full Version : 4/10/08 Episode: "Mondo Coco"

03-28-2008, 11:01 AM
I really shouldn't be the one posting this, since I'm not gonna tell you anything about the plot. That's because I'm trying not to know anything about this season's batch of episodes before I watch them. That being said, it sounds like Coco's finally getting a lead role again! Yay!
Now, go read the plot over here (http://www.tvguide.com/detail/tv-show.aspx?tvobjectid=194647&more=ucepisodelist&episodeid=7749570) and I'll stay away from this thread 'til I see it. :cheesegrin:

That airdate is pretty far from now... if I'm breaking some sort of no-posting-about-episodes-so-far-in-advance rule, you mods can lock this thread up or delete it or what-have-you and I'll try not to do it again...

EDIT: I forgot to add a poll when I posted this two years ago. Doesn't really matter now, but I fixed it anyway because... uh... yeah.

03-28-2008, 01:36 PM
I'll check out the details later but I'm am really glad to see that Coco will be getting another episode of her own.:D

03-28-2008, 05:29 PM
Okay, I can't get the plotline up on my browser. Wazzupwitdat?

03-28-2008, 05:37 PM
Yay, April is certainly better than May, which was the last we heard. And here's TV Guide's synopsis for the eppie-
Coco escapes from Foster's and has a wild adventure.

Sounds entertaining. I hope we won't be disappointed. ;)

03-28-2008, 05:45 PM
Gdee, Lynnie, couldn't you have made it a spoiler?

03-28-2008, 05:54 PM
Uhm...sure, I could have, but I don't think a synopsis is a "spoiler" as it's just a general...uh...synopsis. That's reserved for the more detailed goings on in an episode. ;)

03-28-2008, 06:14 PM
Okay, I can't get the plotline up on my browser. Wazzupwitdat?

And yet you complain when someone else does:

Gdee, Lynnie, couldn't you have made it a spoiler?

Whatever. ::)

Coco "escapes" from Foster's? I wasn't aware that she was being held there against her will. Regardless, it's nice to see her getting an episode of her own; of the major IF's she's arguably the most neglected. ;)

03-28-2008, 06:16 PM
Yeah a synopsis doesn't need spoiler tags. I promise. :terrsmile:

03-28-2008, 06:47 PM
Maybe Coco just needs to take a break. From all that.....stressful stuff......she does. Uh.:terrconf:

03-28-2008, 06:54 PM
:w00t: A Coco centric episode? It hasn't even aired yet and I am liking it already.

03-28-2008, 07:23 PM
Like the plot of this episode, and its been a while since we have a new episode of Foster's.

Also, I'm glad that other characters besides Mac and Bloo are getting a chance to have an episode revolving around one of them.

One Radical Dude
03-28-2008, 08:46 PM
Ugh, bn... ::)

More from Coco, I cannot wait! ;)

03-29-2008, 01:37 AM
New Foster's the same day both The Office and 30 Rock return. This is the icing on the cake. Plus, it sounds awesome.

03-29-2008, 02:34 AM
Maybe Coco just needs to take a break. From all that.....stressful stuff......she does. Uh.:terrconf:

Yeah, I assume by "escapes" it's referring to a particular situation as opposed to Foster's per se. Something which Coco finds stressful or unpleasant.

For some reason the synopsis has me thinking of that early Malcolm in the Middle episode where Dewey wanders away from home and goes on that mind-bending road trip...the one where he pleads with a scarecrow for directions and convinces a lady who picks him up to resort to cigarette smoking for the first time in thirty-odd years.

Anyhow, Coco-centricity is always a good thing. This must be the first time she's had a starring role since "Cuckoo for Coco Cards" (which even then was more Bloo's episode). I say bring it on.

Ditchy McAbandonpants
03-29-2008, 05:49 AM
Is this the next episode to air? That's not too bad...I thought we might have to wait til May, which would have sucked.

As for the synopsis, I'm going to concur with the general "Yay, Coco!" sentiments expressed thus far. I've always felt that Coco is a far more developed and versatile character than her single-word vocabulary might suggest, and that she has been a sorely undervalued and underused up to this point; the only Coco spotlight episodes I can remember are "Cuckoo for Coco Cards" which, as jekylljuice correctly pointed out, was more of a Bloo episode, and "My So-Called Wife", where she spent most of the time acting mindlessly insane and rather out-of-character.

I'm optimistic, then, that "Mondo Coco" will go some way to redressing this balance, but still, I can't help but have reservations about the "escaping from Foster's" aspect of the plot, as it suggests to me that we might be in for another close-focus episode with a pared-down cast list. Don't get me wrong, I do like these episodes as a change of pace, but in recent times it's felt like they've become the rule, rather than the exception, which I'm not so keen on; as I've said, "Let Your Hare Down" was a fantastic reminder that the Foster's cast works best as an ensemble, and these single/dual character spotlights can sometimes dilute that, especially when they take the action out of the house and away from the likes of Frankie, Herriman and the supporting cast of Imaginary Friends.

Still, we'll wait and see, eh? ;)

03-29-2008, 07:36 PM
Sounds like a lot of fun.

Though I might have named it "Cococo-co Co-coco", in reference to a certain equally loopy giant-afro'd anime character.

03-29-2008, 07:53 PM
Sounds like a lot of fun.

Though I might have named it "Cococo-co Co-coco", in reference to a certain equally loopy giant-afro'd anime character.

I'll bet it was tossed out there by someone at some point. ;)

03-29-2008, 08:30 PM
Sounds like a lot of fun.

Though I might have named it "Cococo-co Co-coco", in reference to a certain equally loopy giant-afro'd anime character.

Personally I would have went with Coco's Bizzare Adventure, which is a parody of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure which was a manga written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki.

03-29-2008, 11:28 PM
Personally I would have went with Coco's Bizzare Adventure, which is a parody of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure which was a manga written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki.

Ahhh, very brilliant, and perhaps even better than mine, I'd say.

Coincidentally, both mangas were published in Shonen Jump.

04-01-2008, 01:23 AM
Oooh, another Coco episode. I can't wait for this. ;)

04-03-2008, 07:52 AM
That's awesome - a new Coco episode! AND it airs on my birthday! w00t (well... not where I live, but still!)

"A wild adventure" eh? Sounds like it should be quite an actiony/exciting episode, I look forward to seeing it.

Foster's Geek 287
04-03-2008, 02:13 PM
Ah, yes. Coco. My fav. character second only to Jackie Khones. :P

Can't wait!

04-03-2008, 02:24 PM
Considering we haven't seen much Coco in D. Bachman's episodes, if he wrote this episode, I'll seriously go wild like Coco. XD

Diamond Duchess
04-03-2008, 04:33 PM
Finally, my favorite nut-bird gets some face time. Lookin forward to it. ;)

04-03-2008, 09:34 PM
Saw the first commercial on TV for the eppie tonight. Looks very entertaining! ;)

"Coco. Simple palm tree headed airplane bird thingy? Hardly! Who is Coco? The truth may shock you!--

Jail breaker!
Yheti's girlfriend!
Sky diver!
Tutor to the stars!
Best selling author!
Inspirational speaker!
Reggae superstar!
Trend setter!
Japanese Prime Minister!
Squirrel talker!

...Who is Coco? Find out on an all new Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, next Thursday night at 8:30.

Thursday Nights! Simple, right? Only on Cartoon Network!"

And it shows her doing all those things listed, lol! Yes, I think this is going to be a very interesting and entertaining episode, I can't wait! :w00t:

04-05-2008, 11:27 AM
Looks promising. I'll be sure to tune in.

04-05-2008, 01:49 PM
Oh god, now I REALLY REALLY want to see this episode!

04-05-2008, 03:47 PM
Okay, that just plain sounds awesome.

Japanese prime minister? I didn't even know she spoke Japanese.

04-08-2008, 05:04 AM
Technically, couldn't Coco speak ANY language? It will all sound like Cocococo Coco Co to the untrained ear.

04-08-2008, 05:20 AM
Technically, couldn't Coco speak ANY language? It will all sound like Cocococo Coco Co to the untrained ear.

I think it will be safe to assume that will be part of the joke.

04-08-2008, 06:30 PM
You know, she practically said "Cococo-co Co-coco" in the episode "The Big Picture" when she told Frankie she was upset about her weight.

04-10-2008, 03:43 PM
Its tonight yes!!!!!!

some guy you dont know
04-10-2008, 04:37 PM
im in the middle of watching this, and lol paris hilton.

also its only a few minutes in, but its looking like a pretty good episode. :D

04-10-2008, 04:39 PM
"Cease Fire YAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Weird i was playing raimbow six vegas 2 before watching lol.

Foster's Geek 287
04-10-2008, 05:00 PM
Darn! Missed it! Oh, well. There's always next week.

04-10-2008, 05:03 PM
Wow....so Coco is apparenly forced to stay indoors?

04-10-2008, 05:04 PM
Haha, that was a good one. Loved the bit with the reggae band, and nobody does a better Paris Hilton than Grey Delisle. Nice to see Frankie get some screentime, too. I'll give it an A-. ;)

04-10-2008, 05:11 PM
The Paris Hilton bit was gold, so was the reggae band, and was that Puffy AmiYumi playing during the whole "Coco conquers Japan" scene?

Great episode, kind of a cliched ending but otherwise it was good.

04-10-2008, 05:24 PM
OK, since I realize that a lot of folks out on the West coast haven't seen this, I'll humor them with spoilers.

YES! Finally somebody put in a reference to Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou? in an episode of Foster's! It HAD to be done eventually! This episode was really a writhing mass of in-jokes and references to movies and pop culture, at light-speed. There was almost too much to take in, really, but it was fun to sit back and try to figure out just which celebrity dimwit or movie or fad they were spoofing at that moment. I caught references to the aforementioned movie, of course Paris Hilton, "Lassie", Dr. Doolittle, Monsters, Inc., various Indiana Jones adventures, Oprah, and the whole paparazzi Hollywood circus, among others.

Did anyone else realize that Frankie is now allowed back in the mall, and not only that, but she's COMPLAINING about having to go shopping there once a month?

I did find it odd, though, that Coco apparently isn't allowed outside, at least not on her own. When did THAT happen? I also found it sorta odd that Mac would indulge in a mud fight in the house, while Frankie was scrubbing the floor, though I was too busy laughing at Bloo's line about Mac being dumb enough to bring a water pistol to a mud fight.


04-10-2008, 05:39 PM
Whoa! Khones totally knew what happened to Coco! Greatest detective ever! :jk:

04-10-2008, 08:05 PM
I'm sorry but I just sort of stared at the screen for half an hour. That seemed more like an idea for a short, or maybe an 11-minute ep (a la "Where There's a Wilt...") than a full episode. Sorry. *shrug* :(

04-10-2008, 08:14 PM
Hahahahaaa ha! I really liked this, it was fresh and original. And I found it amusing it didn't have too much dialog besides "coco" and the Yeti language. Did anyone else notice the scene from the Foster's calender appeared *looks at calender* and it's the scene from this month? That is, Frankie chasing Mac and Bloo around with a mop. Well, I guess on the calender it's a broom, but still. :frankiesmile:

There's a reappearance of Frankie's friend Kathy!

"You make me vex, mon!" 8D

Natty Dreadnut and Coconut of Japan. Whoo hoo! ;)

I want a Coco hairstyle! I just need some green hair dye and something to give it the texture of feathers.

They're no longer banned from the mall! You'd think Frankie would be happy about that. I'm sure she's much happier going alone though.

I so cracked up when the Yeti swayed his fur back and forth, lol!

*gasp* Coco and Yeti were sleeping together????????

Awwww, Coco cries! The only other time I remember seeing her cry is when her beloved lamp breaks.

And last but not least, I knew there was a reason I don't like shrimp. Blech!

Wonderful eppie imo, a great addition to the so far strong S6. As much as I love them, I did enjoy it being focused on one of the "other" characters besides Blooregard or even Mac. Now I look forward to the next one. :w00t:

04-10-2008, 08:34 PM
Did anyone else notice the scene from the Foster's calender appeared *looks at calender* and it's the scene from this month? That is, Frankie chasing Mac and Bloo around with a mop. Well, I guess on the calender it's a broom, but still. :frankiesmile:

Lol, that I did notice (http://www.fosters-home.com/merch/calendar08/april.jpg). :terrsmile:

04-10-2008, 08:40 PM
I'll admit I was expecting a much more well-developed storyline upon seeing that Rob Renzetti wrote Mondo Coco. His other episode, "Let your hare down", is one of my favorites.

Mondo Coco really felt like a comedy sketch without any plot; it didn't really develop any of Coco's rich, smooth character. "My so-called wife" was a much better Coco episode in that sense. At any rate, the Yeti part was awesome, the wet hair part was too funny. I'll really have to re-watch this episode a few more times to appreciate all its subtlety.

One Radical Dude
04-10-2008, 10:15 PM
Nice episode. It's certainly a unique one, and I can only imagine that the episodes that focus on Coco the most must be one of the hardest to come up with. I really loved the different hairstyles she had, and I enjoyed her time with the reggae band and in Japan. Keep it up, crew! 8-)

04-11-2008, 12:33 AM
I'm in the process of watching it.

Yes, Coco's Bizarre Adventure would be a funny....Aeris Hilton... *snerk* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH



So, this explains where Coco was for all of Season 5?

04-11-2008, 05:52 AM
Not in this episode: Mr. Herrimann, Madame Foster and Eduardo. Wilt was seen (in a non-speaking role) after they went to the mall.

04-11-2008, 07:21 AM
Very excellent episode, although I agree that the storyline was lacking. Oh well I hope they can just keep it up. With episodes this good CN will have to give them another season, or eighty!

Is it just me or is Coco far more amusing than she probably should be? I died laughing the time she said "Cococococo" (or something like that) and Frankie replied "No that would be illegal."

04-11-2008, 09:59 AM
Hahahahaaa ha! I really liked this, it was fresh and original. And I found it amusing it didn't have too much dialog besides "coco" and the Yeti language. Did anyone else notice the scene from the Foster's calender appeared *looks at calender* and it's the scene from this month? That is, Frankie chasing Mac and Bloo around with a mop. Well, I guess on the calender it's a broom, but still. :frankiesmile:

There's a reappearance of Frankie's friend Kathy!

"You make me vex, mon!" 8D

Natty Dreadnut and Coconut of Japan. Whoo hoo! ;)

I want a Coco hairstyle! I just need some green hair dye and something to give it the texture of feathers.

They're no longer banned from the mall! You'd think Frankie would be happy about that. I'm sure she's much happier going alone though.

I so cracked up when the Yeti swayed his fur back and forth, lol!

*gasp* Coco and Yeti were sleeping together????????

Awwww, Coco cries! The only other time I remember seeing her cry is when her beloved lamp breaks.

And last but not least, I knew there was a reason I don't like shrimp. Blech!

Wonderful eppie imo, a great addition to the so far strong S6. As much as I love them, I did enjoy it being focused on one of the "other" characters besides Blooregard or even Mac. Now I look forward to the next one. :w00t:

Which scene was that?

04-11-2008, 10:06 AM
Watched it last night.

But even if it was a good episode, I was a bit disappointed that neither Madame Foster, Mr. Herriman or Eduardo got no see time, seeing that the latter is an ultimate favorite of mine. That was really the only thing I didn't really like about it. :\

But still a good episode. ^_^

04-11-2008, 10:14 AM
Even though this episode was a bit rush, it was good nevertheless.

Other than that, a job well done to Rob Renzetti.

Ditchy McAbandonpants
04-11-2008, 06:54 PM
Hmmm, that was...interesting.

As I said before, it was nice to see Coco finally get a spotlight episode (I don't really count "Cuckoo For Coco Cards", because that was more of a Bloo episode, or "My So-Called Wife", because she acted totally out of character for most of that one); still, I do somewhat question the decision to make the spotlight so...focused. Coco's a great character, but her (practically) mute, inscrutable nature makes her slightly difficult to base any kind of meaningful twenty minute plot around; I guess they could have taken the Wall-E route and attempted to tell a full story through mime and wordless vocalisation, but given the fast-paced needs of kids' TV, I guess they were always going to take the simpler route of just using her journey as a backdrop for random, colourful mayhem. As such, what we got was a lot of fun to look at, but without anything to really anchor or drive it, it felt a little aimless and without any particular progression, which isn't really acceptable in a full-length 22-minute episode. Indeed, Rob Renzetti's script seems to acknowledge this fact, hence the inclusion of the occasional interludes back at Foster's, but amusing though they were ("Can't talk. Too hungry. Must reserve mouth muscles for chewing" is an excellent Bloo line), I don't think they added anything as framing/contextualising devices, so they didn't quite work for me in the way that they should.

Parts of the episode did hit their mark. When you fling that amount of stuff at the wall, some of it is bound to stick; even though I thought the central "Coconut Conquers Japan" section was cliched and therefore a little grating, the episode was still dotted with amusing sequences and funny moments, such as Coco's fling with the yeti (I too did a minor double-take when I saw them actually sleeping together :wiltshock:), the O Brother-esque chain gang sequence, the homicidal chihuahua, and indeed the show-stopping reggae number. It didn't hurt, either, that this was one of the most visually interesting and dynamically directed episodes to date, standing alongside previous highlights like "Challenge of the Superfriends", "Schlock Star" and "Bloo Superdude". Nevertheless, I can't escape the overriding feeling of lightweight inconsequence that this episode gave off, something the predictable ending did little to help; the whole "oh, no-one even noticed" twist can be a cute punchline when attached to a two- or ten-minute short, but here it felt more like an admission of the episode's fluffy superfluousness, and I guess I was hoping for more at this late stage in the Foster's game...

04-11-2008, 06:57 PM
Which scene was that?

Frankie's friend Kathy is believed to be this girl-

Seen here in "Bus the Two of Us". In "Mondo Coco" she appears twice in the audience of the "Oprah" parody when Coco is talking about her new book. :frankiesmile:

04-11-2008, 07:28 PM
The "Oprah" parody was my least favorite part of the episode, mostly because I am definitely not an Oprah fan. She gets far too much exposure as it is. :P

Ditchy, a tip of my hat to you for another excellent review. TV Guide should give you a big-screen TV and a corner office. :)

04-12-2008, 08:09 AM
So given the fact that the Winter Olympics are going on, this episode takes place in either 2006, 2002 or 1998.

With 98 being a strong candidate as that was the last time the Winter Olympics were held in Japan and who would be a better a grand marshal of the Nagano Olympics then the PM of Japan?

Or we've jumped into the future and all of this is playing out in 2010.

So in addition to globe trotting some time travel may have also been in play....Which if that is the case that can only mean one thing.....they must have cut out the scene where Coco sneaks into area 51 and steals a highly classified time machine.

Gentlemen we are through the looking glass here.

(This was another post by Taranchula: He thinks about these things so you don't have to.)

PS: I liked this episode, they won me over when they made fun of "The Secret" (AKA The most overrated self help book ever.) which wouldn't have been as successful as it was were it not featured on Oprah.

04-12-2008, 11:34 AM
At some point I was afraid they were gonna use that tired, old, "Oh! it was just a dream" plot cop-out (like, the squirrels went nuts on Coco and knocked her out cold, and all her adventures played out in her mind). Because, prime minister of Japan, that's just madness!

04-20-2008, 01:26 PM
Wild episode. Really could have been titled "Cococo-co Co-coco" given the Oprah part. Or at least, her book could have been given that name.

Loved the sasquatch.

04-29-2008, 12:00 PM
"So given the fact that the Winter Olympics are going on, this episode takes place in either 2006, 2002 or 1998.

"With '98 being a strong candidate as that was the last time the Winter Olympics were held in Japan and who would be a better a grand marshal of the Nagano Olympics then the PM of Japan?"

[Plankton impression from "Band Geeks", and loudly]CORRECT![/Plankton impression from "Band Geeks", and loudly]

You win the interwebs!

04-29-2008, 01:58 PM
I'd like to say something I noticed about this episode but do I need a spoiler tag or have enough people seen it already?:-/:terrconf::duchconf:

04-29-2008, 02:04 PM
Oh, I'm pretty sure enough people have seen the episode by now. Go for it. ;)

04-29-2008, 02:07 PM

I noticed it's the first episode that Mac was misbehaving much to Frankie's dismay:P:frankiemad:

04-30-2008, 08:41 PM
Another funny little tid bit about this episode that just came to me today...

As we know there was a scene in the episode where Coco was singing on a cruise ship, well guess what the voice actor of Coco (Candi Milo) used to do...

If you guessed sing on a cruise ship (Princess Cruise Lines, to be exact) then give your self a pat on the back or put a feather in your cap or do what ever self congratulatory gesture you want to do.

Coincidence or subtle inside joke?....You decide.

04-30-2008, 08:53 PM
That's a great observation; I knew in the back of my mind that Milo used to be a singer (from reading the bio on her personal website) but I didn't specifically remember that she sang inside a cruise line.

I found Coco's rendition of "The Bear went over the Mountain" quite lively ;)

Hmm... now the question is, did Milo use to have a boyfriend with excessive body hair? :scaryberry:

04-30-2008, 09:02 PM
Hmm... now the question is, did Milo use to have a boyfriend with excessive body hair? :scaryberry:

Ewwww... 8D

I really did enjoy the reggae music in the episode and I liked the band members. Probably way too late in the series to see them again, but who knows? Maybe they'll turn up in Craig's next production. :)

04-30-2008, 09:06 PM
Well, the animators did make Mr Yeti look totally HOT... though yeah, in real life, only in those silly Herbal Essences commercials.

05-09-2008, 05:05 AM
"I noticed it's the first episode that Mac was misbehaving much to Frankie's dismay."

Uh, not really.

Remember when Frankie was trying to make "It" in "Crime After Crime"? Frankie caught Mac jumping on Madame Foster's bed causing the plaster from the ceiling to fall into "It." Of course, it was on Blooregard's suggestion...

05-09-2008, 07:22 AM
I noticed it's the first episode that Mac was misbehaving much to Frankie's dismay:P:frankiemad:

Uh, not really.

Remember when Frankie was trying to make "It" in "Crime After Crime"? Frankie caught Mac jumping on Madame Foster's bed causing the plaster from the ceiling to fall into "It." Of course, it was on Blooregard's suggestion...

I suggest y'all take a look at an old episode titled The Trouble With Scribbles, which I believe is the first instance of Mac misbehaving and making Frankie's life difficult. I believe it aired way back on August 27th of 2004. Excellent episode, in case you missed it. :)

05-09-2008, 07:32 AM
Uh, not really.

Remember when Frankie was trying to make "It" in "Crime After Crime"? Frankie caught Mac jumping on Madame Foster's bed causing the plaster from the ceiling to fall into "It." Of course, it was on Blooregard's suggestion...

Bloo, Mr. Herriman and Eduardo had jumped on the bed too.::):herriman::edmad:
Also, Frankie had thought the whole time that Mac was the one jumping on the bed because she caught him.:frankiemad:

I think this time souldn't count, it's wasn't Mac's fault because he didn't know.:P

05-09-2008, 07:35 AM
Of course he knew, it was his idea of the "worst thing ever" he always wanted to do at Foster's. Sure, blame Bloo for telling him that he was immune to getting punished. Frankie just made him "mune". And why is this in the Mondo Coco thread? Let's stop.

05-09-2008, 07:46 AM
I suggest y'all take a look at an old episode titled The Trouble With Scribbles, which I believe is the first instance of Mac misbehaving and making Frankie's life difficult. I believe it aired way back on August 27th of 2004. Excellent episode, in case you missed it. :)

Oh yeah, how did I forget that. Don't forget "Adoptcalypse Now", those were the first two times Mac chose to misbehave.:P

Alright this is getting off topic.:edmad:

07-13-2008, 01:17 PM
I just saw this episode today. It's funny, but I agree with the fact that it was a bit insane.

Didn't catch the Paris Hilton reference, though that bit was hilarious, along with the Oprah reference ^_^.
And yep, I noticed her and the Yeti sleeping together. How daring for a modern cartoon.. lol.

08-03-2009, 09:17 AM
It was Coco who lured me into Fosters in the first place so I was glad to see that she got a leading role in an ep before the whole thing ended. Perhaps I would have like to have have had the whole Coco enigma cleared up but I suppose her past, like the future of all of Fosters, returns exclusively to the realm of imagination from which it all sprang.

There seems little point in listing all the things that were pleasing about this episode except to nominate a favourite moment which would have to be reggae Coco. She looked so cute in that hat nervously performing for the first time before everyone got into it. In fact both musical interludes were good. I don't seem to remember actually laughing out loud a lot but I was certainly pleased with the way this one joke was decisively thrashed to death in a manic fashion.

I wish Coco was my Prime Minister.

08-03-2009, 05:34 PM
I really enjoyed finally seeing a Coco-centric episode, too. Too bad it wasn't one of the more popular ones. I guess it didn't make the slightest bit of sense, but this is Foster's we're talking about here. We watch it because we don't want to make sense of things sometimes. ;)

Coco's love interests have always amused me. There was the lamp. And I swear she was flirting with Ben E. Factor a bit too. And now there's an abominable snowman. 8D I'm sure I could think of another few silly love interests of hers if I thought about it, but I'm much too tired and hot right now. :P

12-04-2016, 02:15 PM
D. Not too great. :(