View Full Version : Foster's Episodes in Japanese Dubs

01-22-2008, 12:36 PM
It's kind of fresh re-watching Foster's in jap form, and it really highlights Craig McCraken's anime/film influences.

Ifever you are curious to hear Foster's characters from the Japanese version of FHFIF (I bet you sub fanatics really want to hear Frankie), then I found a good place to get them.


To watch any video from NicoNico video, you have to first register (big red button on the upper left)

Once finished, you copy and paste this at the Search querry (you'll find it.)


Since Nico is a jap site, typing in "Foster's Home" only gets you english versions, as jap people upload with the keywords in Hiragana or in Katakana.

There arent many episodes in nico, but there's at least enough to cover all the major characters. Personally, I like the jap Mac best. :P

01-22-2008, 03:34 PM
I'm watching "Where There's a Wilt, There's a Way", and I have to say...that luckily, Wilt doesn't sound too bad in Japanese. Bloo's a bit annoying, though. XD


OMG Wilt's funny when he gets angry in Japanese. AND when he struggles to say "No". XD

"*in a high pitched voice*NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" LOL Wtf was that XDD

It's at 7:07, prepare to laugh. =P

Overall, my point is: Yaaaaay Japanese Foster's. :D

01-22-2008, 06:38 PM
It's kind of fresh re-watching Foster's in jap form, and it really highlights Craig McCraken's anime/film influences.

Ifever you are curious to hear Foster's characters from the Japanese version of FHFIF (I bet you sub fanatics really want to hear Frankie), then I found a good place to get them.


To watch any video from NicoNico video, you have to first register (big red button on the upper left)

Once finished, you copy and paste this at the Search querry (you'll find it.)


Since Nico is a jap site, typing in "Foster's Home" only gets you english versions, as jap people upload with the keywords in Hiragana or in Katakana.

There arent many episodes in nico, but there's at least enough to cover all the major characters. Personally, I like the jap Mac best. :P

Awesome! I've always wanted to hear the Japanese dub! It's always intriguing listening to original Japanese tracks on anime, and now here's the chance to do the same thing in reverse! Not to mention that I wonder how Eduardo, Herriman, and others sound in Japanese.

01-22-2008, 06:44 PM
I'll stick with the original English version, thanks. I mean, I suppose it's interesting to hear the characters with different voices, but I'd rather listen to voices that I can understand.

01-22-2008, 07:14 PM
I'll stick with the original English version, thanks. I mean, I suppose it's interesting to hear the characters with different voices, but I'd rather listen to voices that I can understand.

I guess this doesn't really matter to me since I've seen the episodes so many times I know what they're going to say anyway. XD

01-23-2008, 03:30 AM
We talked about this in another thread (about watching the show in languages other than English) and we had some linkage there to YouTube until Cartoon Network decided to pull the plug on them for copyright infringements among other things.

01-23-2008, 05:26 PM
Oooh! Thank you for the link rossfellow! That was pretty cool, it's always fun to hear character in different languages! Frankie sounds awesome, I love her saying "Missttta Hairiiiiiiman!" =3~

I didn't look for an episode with Terrance and Mac, but I was wondering how Mac would address Terrance? I can't see him calling him nee san, there is NO respect in that relationship XD Nee chan would probably make Terrance furious.

Sorry I don't know much about Japanese honorifics, but they are fascinating to me X3

01-23-2008, 06:02 PM
Nee chan would probably make Terrance furious.

It is "Ni-chan" or "Ni-san" Lol. =P

01-23-2008, 06:06 PM
It is "Ni-chan" or "Ni-san" Lol. =P

Ahhh, alright, I said I didn't know much about them X3

01-23-2008, 06:32 PM
It is "Ni-chan" or "Ni-san" Lol. =P

It is also "Terrence". If you're going to correct one thing you may as well correct everything, lol. 8D

One Radical Dude
01-23-2008, 06:56 PM
I don't see a big red button on the upper left side. :terrconf:

01-24-2008, 09:06 AM
I don't see a big red button on the upper left side. :terrconf:

It's close to the login box.

01-24-2008, 08:43 PM
I also liked Frankie's "...basketto!"

01-28-2008, 05:37 PM
I cant even register. the hell does all that say lol.

01-30-2008, 12:37 PM
I typed in fosters home but where are the english eps?

01-30-2008, 04:24 PM
I didn't look for an episode with Terrance and Mac, but I was wondering how Mac would address Terrance? I can't see him calling him nee san, there is NO respect in that relationship XD Nee chan would probably make Terrance furious.

I think he's more likely to say "Kisama"

01-31-2008, 05:46 AM
I typed in fosters home but where are the english eps?

Foster's Home.

anyway, its not likely that you get the FULL ep.

Since Mac in english never called Terrence "Brother", jap mac never calls him "Onii-san". Just Terensu. The jap version also acknowledges the english lack of name formality, they just call each other by just their first names.

Berry, who uses the term of endearment "sama" when referring to Bloo.

08-01-2011, 04:08 PM
Do you have to pay for an account? :terrconf:

12-06-2016, 11:46 AM
Heh. I seldom watch Japanese dubs of anything, but there voices are amusing.