View Full Version : Six flags accident Breaking news!

06-27-2007, 06:28 PM
Thursday at Six flags kentucky kingdom in Louisville on the Superman tower of power ride a girl was riding on it when one of cable wires snapped sending the ride going down and the wire went around the girls legs and her feet were serverd from her body! This is real news the park declares that the ride is closed untill they can find out what happend and what caused it to happen and also they have closed down 8 more thrill rides this is is so horrible.Six flags is a place for fun not for death and no people are calling Six flags the horror show! Has anyone heard about this?:wiltshock::macwor::terrconf::o:'(:sadbendy:? ??

06-27-2007, 06:31 PM
Thursday at Six flags kentucky kingdom in Louisville on the Superman tower of power ride a girl was riding on it when one of cable wires snapped sending the ride going down and the wire went around the girls legs and her feet were serverd from her body! This is real news the park declares that the ride is closed untill they can find out what happend and what caused it to happen and also they have closed down 8 more thrill rides this is is so horrible.Six flags is a place for fun not for death and no people are calling Six flags the horror show! Has anyone heard about this?:wiltshock::macwor::terrconf::o:'(:sadbendy:? ??

i agree: Six Flags is most defenitley not a place for death.

06-27-2007, 06:32 PM
(Okay first of all, please, the billion smilies in your sig is bad enough, lay off on the multiple smilies in your posts. Dear God.)

And this isn't "breaking" news as it happened a little while ago and yeah, I heard about it. Not exactly the type of stuff I want discussed on my forum, but whatever. I think it's VERY sad, anyways.

06-27-2007, 06:45 PM
Sorry but isn't news something to dicuss i know this is really sad im sorry :(

06-27-2007, 06:55 PM
Yeah its sad but that's not really your fault...I was just saying that 1) this isn't really "breaking" news and 2) I don't really see how much discussion we can have on the subject that isn't...well, you know. Sad. :P I'm just saying. Its not like the thread will be locked or anything.

Accidents happen everywhere, even theme parks. I remember when I worked at Knott's Berry Farm a beam broke free on the big Ghostrider roller coaster and hit a bunch of people on the head. No fatalities but that sucks. But, it happens, unfortunately...The young girl losing her feet though, that's just horrible. :( I hate that it happened.

06-27-2007, 07:42 PM
Yeah and it happened in the state I lived in...creeepy.....

One Radical Dude
06-27-2007, 07:54 PM
It's unfortunate, theme park accidents aren't all that uncommon, however. Also in the future, please, post a link to the news.

06-27-2007, 09:55 PM
Yeah... the horror section Snopes.com has a few theme park stories that are true in their horror section, and believe you me, there are a few that can be truly considered "horrors"!!!

I won't let things like this keep me from thrill rides, though... things like this happen, but they're few and far in between, and to me, it's not worth living in fear. I do keep my distance from carnival rides, though... the general maintenance of those terrify me to no end. Plus, a lot of theme park accidents come from error of the injured person themselves... people doing stupid things to either impress their friends or whatever reason causes them to have an accident.

06-28-2007, 05:11 AM
Theme parks are some of the scariest places if you think about it...

I go to Hershey Park all the time, and over the years, I think I can recall one major accident and minor issue.

The major thing was an issue with the breaks on Tidal Force, a ride that's basically just a huge drop in the water... The boat crashed into the water too quickly and hit the rocks. No fatalities, but some serious injuries. They fixed the ride, and it's operating again... Not that I've ever been on it. I don't like huge drops to begin with, but that's just freaky.

The minor thing I was actually present/involved with... That Frog Hopper ride I see at every fair and boardwalk got stuck half way up with all the seats filled... we had to shimmy out of our seats and climb down a ladder. There was some issue with the ride needing oil or something...

There's probably been other problems, but those were the only ones that made it into the paper... (yes, it is that boring around here).

06-28-2007, 06:57 AM
Yeah i know its sad but i hope shes doing fine :( it would really suck if that happend to you. :(

Theme parks are some of the scariest places if you think about it...

I go to Hershey Park all the time, and over the years, I think I can recall one major accident and minor issue.

The major thing was an issue with the breaks on Tidal Force, a ride that's basically just a huge drop in the water... The boat crashed into the water too quickly and hit the rocks. No fatalities, but some serious injuries. They fixed the ride, and it's operating again... Not that I've ever been on it. I don't like huge drops to begin with, but that's just freaky.

The minor thing I was actually present/involved with... That Frog Hopper ride I see at every fair and boardwalk got stuck half way up with all the seats filled... we had to shimmy out of our seats and climb down a ladder. There was some issue with the ride needing oil or something...

There's probably been other problems, but those were the only ones that made it into the paper... (yes, it is that boring around here).
Yeah i won't go on any roller coasters or big drops or things that go up in the air or things that spin around or things that go really fast im a sissy but hey im safe! I hope!

06-28-2007, 08:25 AM
This is the first I've heard of this. Did the girl survive? It's sad to hear that these things happen and all. I never did like thrill rides, I'm just intimidated by them.

06-28-2007, 10:41 AM
This is the first I've heard of this. Did the girl survive? It's sad to hear that these things happen and all. I never did like thrill rides, I'm just intimidated by them.
Yes she surrvived she in in the hospital having surgery and some time later she is planning to write a book about what happend to her.

06-28-2007, 12:14 PM
I hope she's planning to call a lawyer, too. This sort of thing happens way too often. :(

06-28-2007, 01:46 PM
Yeah, no doubt... Six Flags will probably be paying hella $$$ for this!!!

The only problem I have with that, though, is that NO amount of money can turn back time. Her feet will still be gone, she'll still be scarred both mentally and physically, and it'll be something she'll never forget, no matter how much money she has.

Given, money is better than nothing, but it still seems a poor substitute for a pair of feet and never forgotten memories.

06-28-2007, 01:55 PM
It's a very poor substitute indeed. However, if Six Flags is forced to pay a large enough penalty, it might move them to address safety issues so that something like this doesn't happen again.

06-28-2007, 08:16 PM
six flags is no stranger to horrible accidents. and I do not see any fines against them making things safer. just to give a frame of reference, six flags has had a tradition of accidents on unsafe rides, here are two examples I remember from when I was younger. And I am sure many other amusement parks, carnivals and fairs have also had there share in accidents.

Back in the 70's or early 80's (I cannot remember the year) At the New Jersey six flags, a fire broke out in the Haunted House ride and killed about 10 kids. the haunted house was closed for a few years after that.

THen again right after the Freefall ride was opened. (thats the ride where it goes strait up and then just drops you) a girl was decapitated due to her hair getting caught on the way down.

monty :-/

Invader Bloo
06-28-2007, 08:22 PM
That's horrible!:wiltshock:
I hope she does sue & gets alot of money so she can fake replacement feet! :frankiemad:

06-28-2007, 08:32 PM
Then the fines need to be larger and jail time should be waved at the Board of Directors. This isn't something that can be tolerated; people's lives and safety are at risk.

06-28-2007, 09:11 PM
am i the only one who thinks amusement parks are freaking stupid?

A) its always hot
B) its waaaaay overpriced
C) someone is always vomiting
D) its full of foreigners and people from NJ and NYC
E) repeat letter D. Its a big one.
F) All the child molestors hang out there

06-28-2007, 09:20 PM
It's a matter of perspective. I don't have much interest in them now, but when I was a kid they were paradise.

06-29-2007, 06:32 AM
six flags is no stranger to horrible accidents. and I do not see any fines against them making things safer. just to give a frame of reference, six flags has had a tradition of accidents on unsafe rides, here are two examples I remember from when I was younger. And I am sure many other amusement parks, carnivals and fairs have also had there share in accidents.

Back in the 70's or early 80's (I cannot remember the year) At the New Jersey six flags, a fire broke out in the Haunted House ride and killed about 10 kids. the haunted house was closed for a few years after that.

THen again right after the Freefall ride was opened. (thats the ride where it goes strait up and then just drops you) a girl was decapitated due to her hair getting caught on the way down.

monty :-/
Really did this really happend montitech this is so horrible! I can't believe that this would happen!Did this really happend?

06-29-2007, 04:37 PM
Really did this really happend montitech this is so horrible! I can't believe that this would happen!Did this really happend?

Yes I believe it is true, I vividly remember hearing about it. the first incident was not long after Summer of Sam so it did not really get a lot of press, the second with freefall I recall seing in the papers. also I remember the Haunted House being closed due to the fire when I was a kid.

as for Cassini90125 comment about jail time, please remember Safety is a commodity and one needs to pay for it. Thrill rides have warnings for a reason, and that reason is BECAUSE THEY ARE DANGEROUS. A friend of mine convinced me to go on the steal loopy loop coaster at six flags back in '93. it winded up being three minutes of not so much fun. and at the end I think it sprained my neck. I had trouble looking to the left for a few hours.

Monty :-/

06-29-2007, 06:24 PM
This reminds me.....when I was 9 Iwas at the hurricane wave pool and it was the wave time....I began to get waterin my mouth and then a lifeguard DROPPED a life thingy on me hard....then my mom pulled me out before I drowned....

It was horrible...

06-29-2007, 07:12 PM
Those life preservers are *heavy*, aren't they?? Geez. :P I'm glad I've never had one dropped on my head. Poor you.

06-30-2007, 08:17 AM
I know these rides in themeparks are really scary and dangerous I know a accident I bet you all know it's really sad when I think about it I cry! :(

07-09-2007, 11:53 AM
Our local theme park had this water slide lined with rubber mattresses for people to slide down in, some girl managed to get her head stuck in between two mattresses. She drowned, since there was always a steady flow of rushing water running throughout the slide, and she'd been caught upside down. ._.

I think there was another incident where there was a game of tug of war and some dude got his arm ripped clean off, since he wound the rope around his arm. Tragedies.

07-09-2007, 02:02 PM
Ouch ooooo man that sucks :(

07-11-2007, 07:11 PM
God, this thread scares me. *shudders at all of the dead-awful tales*

But seriously, It's things like these being the reasons I never went on rides at theme parks as a kid, fear of fatalities. Gosh, just the tough of having a limb STRIPPED from your body... OOH! OGH! URK! Jeez! Oh sorry, I'm probably scaring you guys. I should... just... shut up now....