View Full Version : CN Block Party #34 On Sale June 27

06-22-2007, 07:35 AM
Hi all:

Next Wedesday, the new issue of Cartoon Network Block Party goes on sale, featuring a tale of Foster-fueld fun! Here's the solicitation from DC Comics:

"It's a race against time to find the Three Legged Race Monster before it finds the Bean Scouts! Plus, watch what happens when Bloo enters a pie-eating contest!"

I'll bet hilarity ensues.

Click here (http://www.dccomics.com/dckids/?action=comics&i=7487) to see the cover and view upcoming DC Kids line comeex.

06-22-2007, 10:46 AM
Yes I have this one on order...let's hope the comic store I went with hasn't forgotten about me after all this time.

07-02-2007, 03:04 PM
Got my six copies today (again, if anyone wants one let me know). It's called "Fair Game" and it was funny until Cheese showed up for no reason at all and was IMHO distinctly un-funny. Oh well.

One of the best parts was when Wilt offered to win a frog for Bloo at a basketball game on the midway and...

this happened. (http://www.fosters-home.com/forum/myimages/fairgame.jpg)

Poor Wilt. But lol his face. :wiltshock:

07-02-2007, 04:00 PM
May we see the full comic somehow?

07-02-2007, 04:18 PM
If I get time, but no promises. You're welcome for the preview, anyways. :jk:

07-02-2007, 04:25 PM
I'd rather get a copy of the issue with Imaginary Frankie if you have any left. If not, not to worry, I'm off to Amazon... or some such place... :frankiesmile:

07-02-2007, 04:30 PM
Yeah I have extra copies of all the CN Block Parties with Foster's stories. I'll bring one to the Con.

07-02-2007, 04:35 PM
My thanks in advance. :terrsmile: :frankiesmile:

07-02-2007, 04:38 PM
I think I'll just bring all my extra copies so people can read them, anyways.

07-02-2007, 06:00 PM
Got my six copies today (again, if anyone wants one let me know). It's called "Fair Game" and it was funny until Cheese showed up for no reason at all and was IMHO distinctly un-funny. Oh well.

One of the best parts was when Wilt offered to win a frog for Bloo at a basketball game on the midway and...

this happened. (http://www.fosters-home.com/forum/myimages/fairgame.jpg)

Poor Wilt. But lol his face. :wiltshock:

OMG! Wilt MISSED a basket!! That has GOT to be a first! How's that Toby Keith song go, "I ain't as good as I once was...?" Age'll do that to ya, Wilt-Man.

Thanks for sharing that, Sparky!


07-02-2007, 06:09 PM
I guess this is a spoiler for the story:

It's a rigged carnival game. Wilt never actually misses, the balls are purposely too big for the baskets, which he discovers eventually (although he doesn't realise it was done on purpose, he thinks it was an honest mistake on the part of the guy who runs the game - who gives him a frog to shut him up when he offers to fix the "faulty" baskets).

07-02-2007, 06:16 PM
Ah! That makes more sense, and isn't surprising at all, really.
Knowing Wilt and his subtle sarcasm, though, it also would not be surprising if he KNEW that the game was really rigged, but instead of coming right out and making that accusation, and really creating a big stink, he has his own, more "diplomatic" way of dealing with the situation and getting what he was after in the first place, a stuffed frog.


07-02-2007, 06:36 PM
I disagree, to me it's clear that he was fooled and it was simply done for the sake of a humorous storyline, but I won't argue with you.

07-02-2007, 07:26 PM
If the basketball carnival game is rigged, than perhaps Wilt should of asked for his money back, or the guy who rigged the game should be arrested. Anyway, it should be a good comic to look at.

07-02-2007, 11:29 PM
Yeah, rigged "faulty" baskets...The NEW way to make money without anyone knowin'! Until someone DOES complain about that...Cue the "Rip-Off Artist!" thing! XD

In all honesty, that's actually the first thing that came to mind right after Wilt "missed" the basket. :D

07-03-2007, 05:28 AM
Thanks for giving us the skinny, Sparky!

Got my six copies today (again, if anyone wants one let me know). It's called "Fair Game" and it was funny until Cheese showed up for no reason at all and was IMHO distinctly un-funny. Oh well.

Haven't read the issue, so I can't agree or disagree with your assessment. However, if you'll allow me to play devil's advocate a moment, has Cheese ever shown up in situations in the series for a reason?

07-03-2007, 10:03 AM
I subscribe to Block Party so I'll be getting that issue within the week.

Issue #36 in August was supposed to feature the story I drew, "Block Rockin' Feats," but the solicitation has a different story (Bloo getting a biker tattoo). I'm guessing "Block Rockin' Feats" will be in October's issue as I have a Billy & Mandy story in August's issue and a Powerpuff Girls story in September's. (Presumably, each issue features a different artist for each story.)

07-04-2007, 10:25 AM
Damn, you people are lucky lol. I wish they sold stuff like these over here. That Wilt comic sounds hilarious though, I was all "WHAT" when he missed and then I read the spoilers. XD

07-18-2007, 02:29 AM
The story I drew, Block Rockin' Feats, will be in issue #38, on sale October 31st. The issue will feature the comic book debut of My Gym Partner's A Monkey.

12-15-2016, 12:48 AM
DC made this?