View Full Version : Nightmares

06-21-2007, 03:06 PM
Ok lots of times I have nightmares like one of them I was in this playgound in the woods and I just saw someone running up to me and as i did they had a knife!! And another one is me and my friends were like going in this house and then suddenly the power went out and we were not alone there was someone in the house with us!! And this one time i had this dream that was so disturbing it was like the tape from the ring 2002! And well sometimes i have dreams when im falling and this is so scary it really feels like your falling when you dream it! What nightmare have you guys had??:o:-X:scaryberry::gooblab:

06-21-2007, 03:48 PM
really? I've gotten to enjoy the falling dreams.

Such a rush, dropping from 20,000 feet :bloogrin:

06-21-2007, 05:31 PM
Well i mean like your falling to a pit of death not like your a bird flying!

Little Baby IceCream
06-21-2007, 06:04 PM
A while ago I had the falling dream, except, I really fell off my bed. That woke me up!

~Little Baby IceCream~

06-21-2007, 07:42 PM
Well i mean like your falling to a pit of death not like your a bird flying!

well...falling. as in. "ooh, whats this? I'll call it wind" and then splat.

some guy you dont know
06-21-2007, 08:25 PM
i dont have nightmares usually. whenever i do its usually some really scary face of some kind. or a horror movie i could pitch. the latter is alot rarer though.

06-22-2007, 03:07 AM
Oh ok

06-27-2007, 03:33 PM
I agree with some guy. I rarely have nightmares. I think the last time I had one, I was around 5 years old or something.

06-27-2007, 03:50 PM
Well just for some reason have scary and strange dreams.

09-21-2008, 07:09 PM
I don't have nightmares very often (thankfully), but I actually had one last night. As there are many horror fans here, maybe some will enjoy this. :slybendy:

I dreamed I had just finished taking a shower and was combing my hair out in front of the bathroom mirror when I noticed an ulcer on my scalp. It didn't hurt, but it was maybe 3" by 3" big and I thought "What the... Where did that come from? I don't remember feeling that while washing my hair!" I took a closer look and noticed that my skin was coming loose from my skull and the ulcer was getting bigger. I then looked at my comb and saw the big chunk of skin that had apparently been pulled off my scalp while combing my hair. And now that the hole had been started, it just kept growing as the skin around its edges continued to come loose and fall off. Soon my whole scalp was skinless (and hairless of course), and from there it started spreading to my face. I had some type of flesh eating bacteria or something and was going to die of infection in a matter of days! And the face looking back at me from the mirror soon was definitely horror movie worthy- very bloody and such. I screeeeeeeeamed!!! And what made it worse is it was another of those dreams that felt so dang real. :o

I was totally and completely creeped out when I woke up, and I was afraid to wash my face this morning. I was almost afraid to even look at myself in the mirror, because the sight of myself in the dream was still very fresh in my memory. I felt freaked out for most of the morning, even when not thinking about the dream. When I got home from work this evening, I took a shower and after I got out the creepy feeling returned as I looked carefully at my scalp. Whew... nothing was wrong. But OH MY WORD, that was the creepiest and scariest dream I've had in years.

09-22-2008, 03:06 PM
I have few dreams that survive the night in my memory.
But most of them are either REALLY WEIRD, or nightmares.

After a day they become totally unrecoverable though, lost in my memory.

12-31-2008, 10:38 AM
Recently, I had a dream where there were layouts for future railroad tracks marked on the ground and then suddenly, 747s' start crashing to the ground. A zombie apocalypse followed afterward and I found myself in an old warehouse. Zombies came in and all I had was a rubber sword. After apparently escaping their grasp, I ended up just outside of a Victorian style house, and an unfriendly small dog (possibly infected) confronted me. It leaped to attack me...and that's all remember.

Lately, my nightmares have been zombie apocalypses or I find my self in an unusual jail.

01-03-2009, 10:29 PM
I don't have nightmares very often (thankfully), but I actually had one last night. As there are many horror fans here, maybe some will enjoy this. :slybendy:

I dreamed I had just finished taking a shower and was combing my hair out in front of the bathroom mirror when I noticed an ulcer on my scalp. It didn't hurt, but it was maybe 3" by 3" big and I thought "What the... Where did that come from? I don't remember feeling that while washing my hair!" I took a closer look and noticed that my skin was coming loose from my skull and the ulcer was getting bigger. I then looked at my comb and saw the big chunk of skin that had apparently been pulled off my scalp while combing my hair. And now that the hole had been started, it just kept growing as the skin around its edges continued to come loose and fall off. Soon my whole scalp was skinless (and hairless of course), and from there it started spreading to my face. I had some type of flesh eating bacteria or something and was going to die of infection in a matter of days! And the face looking back at me from the mirror soon was definitely horror movie worthy- very bloody and such. I screeeeeeeeamed!!! And what made it worse is it was another of those dreams that felt so dang real. :o

I was totally and completely creeped out when I woke up, and I was afraid to wash my face this morning. I was almost afraid to even look at myself in the mirror, because the sight of myself in the dream was still very fresh in my memory. I felt freaked out for most of the morning, even when not thinking about the dream. When I got home from work this evening, I took a shower and after I got out the creepy feeling returned as I looked carefully at my scalp. Whew... nothing was wrong. But OH MY WORD, that was the creepiest and scariest dream I've had in years.

that's pretty heavy, Lyn 8D i dig it

yeah i can never remember my good dreams, just like 3 bad dreams a night 8D total downer, man. Recently they involve me being thrown into a Mexican jail, probably because i'm planning a vacation to Mehico with my bros. I wanted to do Rio but we came to the conclusion that we'd get in waaay too much trouble in Brazil 8D

01-04-2009, 01:30 AM
Wow yeah, I remember this. Thankfully the dream isn't as vivid in my memory anymore. I do however remember feeling really creeped out that entire day. And I'm glad to say that my skin is still healthy and firmly attached to my skull. :w00t:

Hehe, I'm glad you liked that though, Party. :)

01-04-2009, 02:49 AM
Last night, I had a rather peculiar but pretty disturbing one which was essentially a cross between The Wicker Man, Soylent Green, Battle Royale and Father Ted (the latter because Dermot Morgan and Ardal O'Hanlon were the sort-of protagonists for a large proportion of the dream, only I took over at a couple of points). There was also a bit from Day of the Triffids, but fortunately that was still a fictional film within the context of this dream, so the presence of man-eating plants was less of a worry. It certainly wasn't fun, but still, it was nowhere near as malicious as this dream I had the other night about my dissertation - the bugger is done, it's completed, it's in the past, I just wish that it wouldn't keep raising its ugly head at me in my sleep, convincing me in my more vulnerable state that I'm still writing it, with only one weekend left to go, and that all of my previous work files have been mysteriously deleted. :P

01-04-2009, 02:43 PM
And I'm glad to say that my skin is still healthy and firmly attached to my skull. :w00t:

always a plus :D

01-05-2009, 11:03 PM
I don't have nightmares very often (thankfully), but I actually had one last night. As there are many horror fans here, maybe some will enjoy this. :slybendy:

I dreamed I had just finished taking a shower and was combing my hair out in front of the bathroom mirror when I noticed an ulcer on my scalp. It didn't hurt, but it was maybe 3" by 3" big and I thought "What the... Where did that come from? I don't remember feeling that while washing my hair!" I took a closer look and noticed that my skin was coming loose from my skull and the ulcer was getting bigger. I then looked at my comb and saw the big chunk of skin that had apparently been pulled off my scalp while combing my hair. And now that the hole had been started, it just kept growing as the skin around its edges continued to come loose and fall off. Soon my whole scalp was skinless (and hairless of course), and from there it started spreading to my face. I had some type of flesh eating bacteria or something and was going to die of infection in a matter of days! And the face looking back at me from the mirror soon was definitely horror movie worthy- very bloody and such. I screeeeeeeeamed!!! And what made it worse is it was another of those dreams that felt so dang real. :o

I was totally and completely creeped out when I woke up, and I was afraid to wash my face this morning. I was almost afraid to even look at myself in the mirror, because the sight of myself in the dream was still very fresh in my memory. I felt freaked out for most of the morning, even when not thinking about the dream. When I got home from work this evening, I took a shower and after I got out the creepy feeling returned as I looked carefully at my scalp. Whew... nothing was wrong. But OH MY WORD, that was the creepiest and scariest dream I've had in years.

Oooooh I hate dreams that mess with my appearance!! I had a dream once that I looked in the mirror and my skin was dark black like it'd been burned and was all cracked and peeling. It was so scary!

I always also have dreams that I'm getting on rickety old amusement park rides that in NO way could ever be safe. Those are recurring!

01-06-2009, 08:29 AM
I had one once where I dreamed I was drowning. Then I woke up with a mouth full of drool. :P 8D :-[

Just as well for such a dream. I don't know how to swim. :bloobleh:

01-06-2009, 08:52 AM
Oooooh I hate dreams that mess with my appearance!! I had a dream once that I looked in the mirror and my skin was dark black like it'd been burned and was all cracked and peeling. It was so scary!

The oddest dream I ever had where my appearance was different was one where I looked like one of the chimpanzees from the Planet Of The Apes movies. It wasn't a bad dream as I recall, just very weird.

I always also have dreams that I'm getting on rickety old amusement park rides that in NO way could ever be safe. Those are recurring!

When I was a child I used to have a recurring nightmare where I would be on one side of a street and my family and often my home were on the other. I would want to join them but I knew that if I tried to cross the street I'd get hit by a car. There was never any traffic and I'd look both ways but the moment I set foot on the street sure enough, a car would show up out of nowhere. I never got hit - I always woke up in the nick of time - but I never made it across the street, either.

In retrospect I guess that even as a six year-old child I knew on some level that there was no point in trying to connect with my family, and that I'd always be outcast and cut off. :bloosad:

01-06-2009, 09:06 AM
I possibly risk making a fool of myself by asking this question, but I'm curious...am I the only person who has this recurring nightmare in which I'm really desperate to urinate, but just can't seem to find a suitable venue? It's no fun, I can tell you.

BTW, there are some people who'll insist that if you dream about urinating, it's a sure sign that you're going to wake up with a wet bed. I can confirm from experience that this isn't true. :P

01-06-2009, 09:10 AM
Yeah, I've had that one, too. Never woke up wet but I did wake up in considerable discomfort more often than not. :P

01-06-2009, 06:21 PM
When I was little I had a reoccurring nightmare that seemed a very typical nightmare for a little girl. My precious baby brother was kidnapped- by living skeletons! They were going to harm him in some unimaginable way in each dream, and the one I remember most is where they took him to a condemned and abandoned house in the middle of a vacant lot, had a cauldron over a huge bonfire, and put him in it. I could hear the baby screaming and crying. My best friend at the time Emily and I went in and tried to save him before his crying was *gulp* silenced forever. :wiltshock: It was soooo scary for a five year old. I loved my baby brother!

Still do but, he's 26 now. :)

01-06-2009, 06:26 PM
I've never had recurring nightmares before now that I think about it. :)

01-07-2009, 06:19 PM
I've never had recurring nightmares before now that I think about it. :)

don't jinx it 8D

01-07-2009, 06:28 PM
don't jinx it 8D

Oh, jeez, you're right. :macwor: 8D

07-05-2009, 08:57 AM
Ever since last April hit me like a tsunami, I've found myself paranoid over so many things now. What else can possibly go wrong? And I tell myself, Oh, you'd be surprised. :macwor:

Among the nightmares I lived through during the month of April, my car broke down and was nearly to the point where everyone was saying it will never get fixed and I might as well just sell it for parts, and learn to take the bus. Much thanks to a friend of my dad's it was fixed (after three or so weeks), but even that hurt my bank account. I have a nagging fear that it's going to happen again. And right now my parents are on their way to Europe, and except for an occasional email, we'll have little to no contact until they get back. And whaddya know, I have a dream last night that my car breaks down. And at night. I dreamed my battery, or the wires connecting it to the rest of the car, was going bad as I was losing more and more power and my lights dimmed. Some strange dash light came on saying something about some parts are out of date and need to be replaced (it was like the "check engine" light, but more long winded). On top of that, my front axle broke and I couldn't steer. So I finally just pulled over and cried. I had no idea who to call to come pick me up much less what to do about my car. I felt so helpless and I knew the nightmare that was April was starting all over again, and this time it may not have a happy ending like that one finally did.

I think I'll be driving my mother's car while they're gone. It's newer. ;) And I'm also thinking I should snoop around some of my dad's papers looking for phone numbers of friends of his I could call if such an emergency should happen. Dang, I had plenty of friends of my own who could help me out when I lived in Texas. I just never made any real connections since I've been up here. It's frustrating. :P

07-06-2009, 07:21 PM
For me, I would rather have a nightmare than an intense dream (freaky). I will say since I was in my teens, my dreams have centered around watching planes crash, or tours in mortuaries (and that is really freaky).:o

07-07-2009, 01:54 PM
I've had more plane crash dreams since I moved under the flightpath to the nearest airport and they're pretty scary. I've had fairly regular nuclear war nightmares since I was a little kid to the extent that I'm normally quite complacent during them now. The last few have actually revolved around sorting out what food I've got left in the ruins of my house.

The ones that disturb me the most are the ones where I've forgotten to feed my rabbit and it's starving to death, locked in its hutch. It actually died about 15 years ago of natural causes and never went hungry in its life but the thought of it still causes me to panic in my dreams. .

07-07-2009, 04:36 PM
I've had more plane crash dreams since I moved under the flightpath to the nearest airport and they're pretty scary. I've had fairly regular nuclear war nightmares since I was a little kid to the extent that I'm normally quite complacent during them now. The last few have actually revolved around sorting out what food I've got left in the ruins of my house.

The ones that disturb me the most are the ones where I've forgotten to feed my rabbit and it's starving to death, locked in its hutch. It actually died about 15 years ago of natural causes and never went hungry in its life but the thought of it still causes me to panic in my dreams. .

I live 25 miles from the airport, but the planes come down over Fountain Hills (Arizona) as they are turning on final. About late in the afternoon, I can catch the British Airways 747 that goes non-stop from Phoenix to Heathrow.:bloogrin:

07-08-2009, 01:41 PM
I live 25 miles from the airport, but the planes come down over Fountain Hills (Arizona) as they are turning on final. About late in the afternoon, I can catch the British Airways 747 that goes non-stop from Phoenix to Heathrow.:bloogrin:

The noises they make when they're suddenly slowing and descending often make me stop even now. We've got it easy here compared to Heathrow where planes seem to be landing every few seconds and form giant queues in the sky. Even so, when the air in the atmosphere above this area is reasonably still, the sky is filled with vapour trails going in all directions and at different altitudes. I'm always reminded of those Hopi prophecies about cobwebs in the sky. I wonder if people in other cities have this? They really are fantastic things these planes. If you live away from the city you see more military stuff. I know someone who lives near a big US base in Eastern England who sees all sorts of really fascinating stuff go over.

07-10-2009, 01:11 AM
I had a nightmare the other night after watching the movie Synechdoche. I dreamed that my life was speeding by before I even got a chance to live it, much like his seemed to do in the movie, and in what felt like a day's time I had to watch my mom, dad, boyfriend, and all of my friends get old and die while I stayed the same. I woke up almost crying, picked up the phone and called my mom immediately even though it was 6 AM :'( It was awful!

07-21-2009, 09:16 AM
For some reason most of my dreams are weird or creepy in one way or another. Like when (in a dream) me and my friends found a passageway into my basement, which closed behind us. We landed on mattresses, and discovered we were in this mattress warehouse. And there was nothing in this giant room but a mattresses and a cardboard box. We opened the box and it was full of pieces of a 3-D puzzle. We put it together and it became a house, VERY similar to Foster's. One of my friends went inside. I knocked on the door and asked if I could come in. She didn't answer. Then I realized that the door was solid, like real, solid wood, and we couldn't get it open, and she was still inside and the whole warehouse went dark...
Then I got this inside view of where my friend was and she was adjacent to a loooong, narrow tunnel, and something was coming down it...

*shivers* it was creepy.

Another Castle
03-28-2010, 05:37 AM
I had a pretty horrid one where somebody cut of their bottem lip with a pair of sissors :o:wiltshock::nerves::eek:

I know, it's a pretty spooky image, I spent the rest of the day tucking my lower lip inwards!