View Full Version : Goosebumps

06-15-2007, 04:13 PM
There used to be this awesome show on fox called Goosebumps it's really bad that they canceld it! But for the people that haven't seen the show go here:http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=NekoLuv81&p=r&page=7 it's a sweet show!It's for kids but if you ask me it's kinda scary and this show started in the 1990's!I love this show does anyone like it or has anyone seen the show?

06-15-2007, 10:31 PM
Ah yes, Goosebumps. ^^ I remember that show perfectly. It used to freak me out, but I still loved to watch it. I wish they still showed it.:(

Mr. Marshmallow
06-15-2007, 11:08 PM
It was an excellent show, I loved it! I remember it well and I have every episode of the show recorded on VHS. Granted the quality is old but hey, at least I still have something to keep it by. I also have every single Goosebumps book and a good chunk of the Goosebumps 2000 series.

The show was more fun for me then scary. Only a few certain episodes actually gave me the creeps, one of them included, of course, "Night of the living dummy". And man it had some GREAT twist endings, just like a monster sized, junior kids version of the twilight Zone.

I even have the very OLD but still fun, Goosebumps Computer CD rom video game "Attack of the mutant". :D Yeah, I keep alot of old junk.

06-16-2007, 04:07 AM
I never got into Goosebumps when it was big because I was too intimidated by it. At that age I was afraid of anything that was remotely scary. The covers of the books were enough to give me nightmares at the time.8D

06-18-2007, 06:42 AM
wow you never saw the show like im like WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O

sorry if i was being a little mean but im really surriprized!!

06-18-2007, 10:59 PM
The show was more fun for me then scary. Only a few certain episodes actually gave me the creeps, one of them included, of course, "Night of the living dummy". And man it had some GREAT twist endings, just like a monster sized, junior kids version of the twilight Zone.

I even have the very OLD but still fun, Goosebumps Computer CD rom video game "Attack of the mutant". :D Yeah, I keep alot of old junk.

I loved this show! I agree, it wasn't really THAT scary, but it was a blast to watch. I loved how each episode had R.L. Stine at the very end... I don't specifically remember many of the individual episodes, but I remember seeing him saying something like "My, that was spooky! What do you think, mom, dad?" and it would show his mom and dad and they were both scared speechless and stiff with their hair standing on end 8D Did it use the same thing at the end of every episode, or did it ever change?

I used to have a Goosebumps board game... it was fun for about 30 seconds until my OLDER sister broke it trying to put it together because she didn't read the instructions and I had to tape the thing back together in multiple places... Grrrr.

06-19-2007, 07:04 AM
That ending was in the first episode called The haunted mask and they have the haunted mask 2 on dvd! But the haunted mask 1 is on vhs!