View Full Version : Harry Potter Theme Park

06-01-2007, 07:24 AM
This is no joke at all. In fact, this is actually going to happen.

Universal Studio is planning to create a theme park dedicated to the ever-popular Harry Potter books in Orlando.

However, according to officials, the park won't be open until 2009.

You can read more right here:


Mr. Marshmallow
06-01-2007, 08:08 AM

This is a bit much.........just a bit ::)

Invader Bloo
06-01-2007, 08:31 AM
Wow, not even George Lucas has done this......yet.

06-01-2007, 10:16 AM
They narrowly beat Disney out with the rights to it. But the Imagineers are relieved because JK was on them like white on rice. Though they are kinda disappointed about all the time and money they spent creating a new technology only to have the attraction ripped from them. We'll see what Universal does though, they have a huge problem with maintenance. Unlike Disney, the magic may be gone by the second year thanks to lack of upkeep. It's how they keep their ticket prices so low.

06-01-2007, 10:45 AM
Wow... I really like Harry Potter and I still think that is a bit overboard.

I'm curious... they said there aren't going to be any character look-alikes, but people wanting to see Harry Potter "won't be disappointed"... Hah, what will they be using? Trashy Chuck E. Cheese-esque automatons? 8D

06-01-2007, 11:48 AM
Orlando, Orlando. it's getting confusing on my head. I agree with you, Aero.

06-01-2007, 04:47 PM
I think I'll pass on this. I'm in a minority here, but I've never had the slightest interest in Harry Potter, be it the books or the movies, let alone a theme park. If I want fantasy, give me LOTR any day.

06-01-2007, 05:08 PM
I love the books, hate the movies, and hate this idea. I mean jeeze... so they're gonna hire folks to walk around in wizarding robes 'n stuff? Dude. Holloween 24/7.

06-01-2007, 05:18 PM
I think I'll pass on this. I'm in a minority here, but I've never had the slightest interest in Harry Potter, be it the books or the movies, let alone a theme park. If I want fantasy, give me LOTR any day.

Funnily enough I'm totally the same about Harry Potter though I'll admit there must be something to it as it's so unbelievably mammoth. The whole thing always reminded me of the Worst Witch stories I vaguelly remember from years back. I'm just worried about what JK's going to do with all her money? She has more dough than THE QUEEN who has her own army, air force etc. If she gets a theme park, she'll drain your nation's money even faster!

06-01-2007, 05:24 PM
She can always buy a huge plasma TV and watch Foster's in style. 8D

06-01-2007, 05:35 PM
who needs a that kind of stuff? There spoiling everything.

Ditchy McAbandonpants
06-01-2007, 08:38 PM
To those who don't get the appeal of Harry Potter, it all boils down to one pretty simple thing; they're really, really good stories, with an addictive quality that's near unparalleled. People who try and call JK Rowling out on her fairly prosaic written style or her occasionally derivative ideas are really missing the point; the thing that makes everyone go nuts over the Potter story is that it's one of the most epic whodunnit page-turners in history, intricately planned from first page to last, and Rowling's real achievement as a writer is that she's kept that gripping momentum going almost without lapse for six entire books. I've heard people talk about The Da Vinci Code being addictive, but that doesn't come close to Harry Potter for sheer, crack-like "just-one-more-chapter" compulsion, and the need for one last fix is the reason why millions upon millions of people - kids, adults and everything in between - will be abandoning all decorum and queueing up at midnight on July 21st like rabid, frothing nutcases. :cheese: If you've never even tried reading the books, then I think it's worth giving them a try; I was a bit sceptical to start with too, but I soon found myslef getting hopelessly wrapped up...

Still, the other big selling point of the book is how involving and coherent Rowling's fictional world is, and this park seems like a decent way to celebrate that. Would I be interested in going? Probably not, but I'm sure there are plenty of folks who would, and it's not like it affects me in any way if I don't go, so what the hey. Besides, JKR seems pretty enthusiastic herself, and that counts for a lot with me; she's always come over as an incredibly sound, grounded woman, and she's every bit as cool and forthcoming with her fanbase as Craig and Lauren are with us lot. :frankiesmile: Plus, as has been said, she's got more than enough money; all things considered, I really doubt she'd approve anything like this unless she thought it was going to be faithful and respectful to her work and her fans...

Imaginary Light
06-03-2007, 08:34 AM
Okay, I might be in the minority here, but I'm looking foward to this. I love Harry Potter and I love Universal Studios, so what a wonderful combination for me, eh? I don't really think it's going overboard. Universal has separate theme parks in it, like the Jurassic Park and Dr. Seuss parks. This'll just be an addition onto all that.

06-03-2007, 09:17 AM
Okay, I might be in the minority here, but I'm looking foward to this. I love Harry Potter and I love Universal Studios, so what a wonderful combination for me, eh? I don't really think it's going overboard. Universal has separate theme parks in it, like the Jurassic Park and Dr. Seuss parks. This'll just be an addition onto all that.

Dr. Suess theme park? SWEET!

06-03-2007, 10:06 AM
I'm a bit mixed. I'm not a big fan, as I only read of the first book and all of the second book. As long as they stay faithful to the books, I don't care.

06-03-2007, 02:03 PM
I like Harry Potter, but... what would you do at a Harry Potter theme park? Ride mechanical Hungarian Horntails? Take pictures with snotty racist rich kids? Eat nasty earwax jelly beans? Go through the "Tunnel of Adolescent Angst" in a cart? I just... I don't get it. I mean, J.K. seems like a pretty cool person (anyone who can stomach Harry Potter fanfiction is a greater (wo)man than I, even moreso for the person who created the characters involved), but... I just don't know, man. I mean, I'm sure the people who attend the movie openings in full Hogwarts uniform would flock to it, but... I dunno. I'd have to see pictures.

Hey, maybe they'd make butterbeer and sell it! I'd probably go if they did that. Or they could give out chocolate to the people who get freaked out by the rides. Chocolate cures all ailments.

06-03-2007, 02:19 PM
chocolate and beer? 8D

sounds good

06-03-2007, 04:12 PM
Oh No. amusement parks over the head. too much things there.

06-04-2007, 04:06 PM
Turns out they're not building a new park. Universal is busting out a cool half a billion dollars for a total re-theming of The Lost Continent park of Islands Of Adventure.

In fact here's a more detailed article that actually talks about the beginning of the entire park idea. http://jimhillmedia.com/blogs/jim_hill/archive/2007/06/01/why-for-today.aspx

06-05-2007, 09:41 AM
Orlando is too crazy. There crazy on amusment parks. I;m bored of going there now.