View Full Version : Favorite Season

08-25-2006, 06:34 AM
Sorry could a mod please move this to the thread its suppose to be in. I'm a bit confused lol :D

08-25-2006, 08:01 AM
I dunno. I've seen all of season one but then again... The other seasons are pretty good.

08-25-2006, 10:16 AM
I deleted the original post, as you requested, since it did not go with the poll, but was separate from it. I left this one intact.

I voted for the current season, Season Four, as my favorite. There has not been a real "stinker" yet, though I certainly have my favorites among these.


08-25-2006, 10:27 AM
Season 3, it included the best eps ever.

08-25-2006, 10:41 AM
season 1, but that could change once I get caught up with season 4.

08-25-2006, 11:12 AM
I voted Season 3, though doing so hurt a little. It meant voting for the season that had "Imposter's Home For, Um... Make 'Em Up Pals"... but at the same time, I have to show the writers my appreciation for making me care so much about "silly cartoon" characters.

Though, in all honesty, I unconditionally love the second half, because:

-Goo, when she was cool and compelling instead of overused
-Frankie and Wilt actually coming out on top instead of being abused(Frankie in "Crime After Crime" and "Setting A President", Wilt in "One False Movie" and "Room With A Feud"
-Bloo finally getting his commeupance, and then actually apologizing in the season finale. I don't think there could have been a better way to end it.

08-25-2006, 10:18 PM
I voted for season two all the way. It has Cheese's first appearence. I love me some Cheese. Now I'm hungry.

One Radical Dude
08-26-2006, 02:03 AM
I'd rather wait until Season 4 is complete. For me, it's kinda unfair to vote right now. :P

Imaginary Light
08-26-2006, 01:11 PM
I must admit, I'm torn. Because I either want to vote for season 1 or season 4. But I, like ORD, will just have to wait until season 4 is done, and then I'll give a fair vote:bloosmirk:

Chaos Wielder
08-26-2006, 01:41 PM
I'd rather wait until Season 4 is complete. For me, it's kinda unfair to vote right now. :P

Yeah, I'd rather wait too, but if I had to pick between the three finished seasons I'd probably either pick season 1 (because of "House of Bloos", "World Wide Wabbit" and "Store Wars") or season 2 because I think both had some of the funniest and most memorable episodes ("Frankie My Dear", "Partying is such Sweet Soiree", "Mac Daddy", "Sweet Stench of Success" being among some of my favorites from season 2.). Sure, both had a few duds ("Beat With A Schtick" and, even though I like this one a lot, "Blooooo" was also considered a dud by some people), but there were a few great ones as well. :)

08-28-2006, 11:39 PM
Hmm, I'd probably say either season 1 or 2, mainly because they've been showing season 3 a lot here recently and 1 and 2 just seem more fresh to me now.^^; It's hard for me to choose though because I think every season has a few episodes that I love, some that I like and a few that I hate. Of course, I haven't seen any of season 4 yet (though I'm dying to) so I can't really say anything about that.:(

08-29-2006, 02:55 AM
I chose 4, because it contains a few of my favorites. But, in retrospect, I really like all of the seasons pretty much equally.

Invader Bloo
09-30-2006, 08:05 PM
1. Season 4
2.Season 3
3. Season 2
4.Season 1

10-02-2006, 09:20 PM
WTF since when did Season 3 end? (I'm serious xP)

10-02-2006, 09:58 PM
Since Cuckoo For Coco Cards.

For Season 4, we have Challenge of the SuperFriends to The Big Cheese. Don't be afraid, only the USA has it, I think.
Now I think of it, were gonna have to restart this poll on 24 Nov, right..? :D

10-05-2006, 11:43 PM
I'm going to have to say season 4. I ended up cracking up a lot when I watched most of the episodes and got some people I know into the series thanks to season 4 episodes. It's not like seasons 1-3 are bad or anything, but season 4 is, in my opinion, currently the strongest of the current four and has a few of my favorite episodes (which includes "Squeeze the Day" and "Bus the Two of Us").

EDIT: Oh, crap. I just realized the poll was closed. Ick, this is one reason I shouldn't be on the internet past midnight. Anyhow, it never hurts to give your opinion about something, right?

10-07-2006, 11:43 AM
OK, so why is it closed? Because we didn't see all of Season 4 yet?

10-07-2006, 04:57 PM
OK, so why is it closed? Because we didn't see all of Season 4 yet?

I looked at it and it appears that FostersFriend made it a "timed" poll, and it closed 9 days after being opened.

Should I re-open it? I *think* I can, I can try it anyways.

10-07-2006, 04:59 PM
I'd wait until Season #4 is over.

10-07-2006, 05:03 PM
I'd wait until Season #4 is over.

Sure, why not. Someone just remind me or another mod and we'll do it. Of course perhaps there ought to just be a new one posted then, to allow people who vited before to vote again in case they've changed their mind. That's probably better.

edit: This poll never really belonged in the Characters section though, so next time put it in Foster's Discussion, whoever makes it. ;)

10-08-2006, 05:46 AM
I can't say wich season is my favorite because I don't know what each season is comprised of. Telatoon airs the episodes in a very random and chaotic order. Out of nowhere they'll play a season four episode amongst the dozen that they play too frecuantly. It's not healthy for the show to have to see Cukoo for coco cards five times and luck out with a challange of the super friends. It causes the jokes and gags to get stale. So I just pass on episodes I've seen already.
I'm trying to find a list of the seasons and the episodes that make them up, but I'm not haveing any luck. I really want to know what I'll be getting in the season one dvd set (recently announced for a February release!:D ). I was hopeing Mac Daddy, Berry Scarey and Crime After Crime were in it, but I've heard otherwise. I'd appreceate it if someone could tell me all the episodes that make up season one.

10-08-2006, 06:39 AM
I'd appreceate it if someone could tell me all the episodes that make up season one.

"House of Bloo's"
"Store Wars"
"The Trouble With Scribbles"
"Dinner is Swerved"
"World Wide Wabbit"
"Berry Scary"
"Seeing Red" / "Phone Home"
"Who Let The Dogs In?"
"Adoptcalypse Now"

Copied from Wikipedia. :)

10-08-2006, 07:40 AM
Thank's very much, Cassini! But that's only 10 episodes. I thought the dvd was going to have 13? Oh well. I appreceate it just the same.:D

10-08-2006, 08:36 AM
My pleasure. The pilot counts as 3 episodes. I've never seen them in episode format, only as a 90 minute movie.

10-08-2006, 08:38 AM
90 minuits? that's impressive! I thought it was only 60.8D

10-08-2006, 08:49 AM
With the commercials removed, "House Of Bloo's" is 62 minutes long. It fits perfectly on a disk recorded in FINE mode.

10-08-2006, 09:03 AM
I can't say wich season is my favorite because I don't know what each season is comprised of.

Listings of all episodes on each season (http://www.tv.com/fosters-home-for-imaginary-friends/show/28101/episode_listings.html?tag=tabs;episodes&om_act=convert&om_clk=tabssh)

Mr. Marshmallow
10-08-2006, 09:18 AM
Even though it hasn't completely finished, I'm gonna go ahead and say season 4 (current one) is my most favorite. Despite the fact that alot of the other seasons have some of my fav. episodes, this one has the best line up.

There are more kick ass episodes lined up together in this season then in the other ones. I also feel that it's in this season that the comedy of the show really started to evolve, and the situations and quotes got much more creative.

Episodes like "Squeeze the Day" "Infernal Slumber" and "Bus the Two of us" were all top notch episodes that really displayed original, and in my opinion, genius comedy. The 3rd season would probably be my second favorite after that.

I think shows get better with each new season, as you can notice Bloo and the other voice actors learned to improve as they went along. Bloo sounds pretty different then how he did in "House of Bloo's" to how he sounds now.

10-08-2006, 09:36 AM
Some would contest you're theory (The Simpsons) but Foster's has definetly gotten better with age. I hope the show keeps going for a long time and it's quality never diminishes.

Mr. Marshmallow
10-08-2006, 10:17 AM
Well actually it's like that case with most shows, most shows that don't go on for 100 years or so (Simpsons). Simpsons in the beginning had much shottier animation and Homer and Bart sounded very different when the show first started out. Plus, it wasn't NEARLY as funny.

Ben 10 is another good example. The show started with some poor dialouge and cliche set ups, and occasionally the really cool episode or fight scene. Their new season is WAY better. The fights are improved, the story is much more detailed and complex, and they brought back plenty of characters from season 1.

Some shows handle characters very weirdly, "Batman Beyond" actually kills off more then half of their villains in the same episode they appear in. And any that do come back, rarely survive long enough to make it for a 3rd appearance. First seasons are usually rough starts because your just starting out.

I noticed this in Foster's. Alot of the jokes and set ups weren't that clever, but as the show went on we saw more complex ideas and amusing situations. And I think Bloo evolved the most out of the cast, "House of Bloo's" he was half nice and half smart ass. Now he's on smart ass mode like 24/7.

Which is fine AND funny, but if you watch the show from the beginning to now, you can see the difference and change in attitude and voice work.

10-08-2006, 02:10 PM
Simpsons in the beginning had much shottier animation and Homer and Bart sounded very different when the show first started out. Plus, it wasn't NEARLY as funny.

Season 1 of The Simpsons at it's worst is still infinitely funnier than the unwatchable monstrosity it has now become, if you ask me. It improved considerably during the first three seasons, reached it's peak at 4-8, declined slightly but was still great in 9-10, and mixed some good and bad in 11 before taking a complete free-fall in quality ever since.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love it if Foster's has a lengthy run with quality being consistent throughout. But I also have to be realistic, I'd rather have it finish up after two or three more seasons(Or maybe the 100th episode mark) on a high note, instead of continuing perpetually and eventually becoming a shadow of it's former self.

Invader Bloo
10-08-2006, 02:27 PM
I like all Simpsons episodes. I hope Foster's has good episodes for as long as it runs.

Mr. Marshmallow
10-08-2006, 02:28 PM
Simpsons was funny during it's era AFTER the first season or so, mostly because things got much cleaner looking and after like say the Christmas episode and Bleeding Gumps Murphy is when the old season started to fade away.

NOW it is crap, I don't argue that, but Simpsons is a rare case. I don't think anyone knew how long that show could go on whether it sucked or not. Foster's though I hope has a healthy run and lasts a long, long, long time.

I don't think the quality will suffer because as long as the characters remain who they are, that's what makes the show watchable and that's what's important. Teen Titans had a terrible final season but made up for it with the movie.

I think as long as they don't worry so much about throwing anything "crazy" and "new", the show will be fine just the way it is for many seasons to come. Plus, Foster's has become CN's unofficial logo with all the promo ads Foster's is in.

Invader Bloo
10-08-2006, 02:45 PM
I think Foster's is CN's most popular show right now, as Spongebob is with Nick. I think CN might squeezing Foster's milk cow like PPGs. Some of the newer Simpsons episodes are funny, some are boring.

Mr. Marshmallow
10-08-2006, 02:51 PM
I assume Foster's is there most popular show right now, and I think alot of it has to do with this new season. I remember I was in the mall few weeks back and they had a promo ad for Foster's in one of those big directory box things.

It showed Bloo spouting that ever loveably looney line "It's hot in topeka". I never EVER have seen cartoon shows publicized like that before so, I took it as a sign that Foster's is definitely one of CN's top shows as far as ratings go.

I know Ben 10 is another big hit with them because they immediately signed up for a second and third season just as soon as they finished airing the first one.

Invader Bloo
10-08-2006, 03:56 PM
Actually they've had the red background with characters on it on bill boards. Cheese was in my town.

10-08-2006, 05:44 PM
I'll say this much: I've lost track of how many times I've seen people online mention Foster's as being "one of the few good non-Adult Swim shows left on Cartoon Network"... kinda like how many people consider SpongeBob as an exception to Nickelodeon's alleged fall from grace.

Invader Bloo
10-08-2006, 05:48 PM
I do, about SB now that they canned FOP & JN. :(
There are a couple good shows besides Foster's that are not AS on CN.

Mr. Marshmallow
10-10-2006, 04:06 PM
There are actually only a few REALLY good shows I tune in on for Foster's. I'm gonna be honest though, I'm pissed at CN because they canned alot of my favorite shows and while Foster's is amazing, I don't think there new stuff is all that great.

Foster's, Ben 10, and occasionally Billy and Mandy I catch. I am beyond mad they canned Teen Titans, Justice League: Unlimited, and High Puffy Ami Yumi. I don't think the new Fantastic 4 show, Gym Partner's a Monkey, and Squirrel boy are really worth the cost of those 3 shows.

But that's my opinion. I think Squirrel Boy looks just awful and I can't stand the animation style. Foster's is definitely the key shining show in CN in my book, Adult Swim is becoming it's own juggernaut it seems.

10-10-2006, 05:23 PM
I don't have cartoon network, but I wish I did. It looks so much better then telatoon. But if Telatoon do'es only one thing right it's this: They know wich of their show's are popular. I'm sure that's why they put Foster's back on it's weekay time slot. Know the show is on seven days a week!:D
I think in five months when the first season dvd is released, they will hold a contest and also have a marathon run of Foster's. They are good with stuff like that.
And about Simpson. I don't think Fox keeps the show alive because of it's quality anymore. I think they just want to see how far they can push it and keep their name in the Guiness Book of Records. The Movie due in 2007 will let us know whether the show will keep declining in quality, or show an about-face and give us what the show is famouse for.
I found that if you remove the swearing and blood from the current seasons of the Simpsons, it's writing and humor just can't stand to many of the "kid" shows out there now. But I think the thing I hate most is how they made Homer a whiny jerk instead of the loveable oaf he used to be.

10-10-2006, 07:47 PM
I think the thing I hate most is how they made Homer a whiny jerk instead of the loveable oaf he used to be.

I agree with that 100%. Homer went from being one of the best cartoon characters to one of the absolute worst. People complain that Bloo is too much of a jerk; well, at least he's funny and imaginative. Homer just SUCKS now.

There have been a few surprisingly good current episodes, but the majority of them just fall prey to the same tired formula, setup and jokes. I don't think they care, because it continues to draw in viewers and make lots o' money for FOX.

And it's not just The Simpsons. I remember the later Dexter's Laboratory seasons not being anywhere near as good as the older ones, which I think was largely because creator Genndy Tartakovsky had little to do with them.

Mr. Marshmallow
10-10-2006, 09:08 PM
Well unfortunately that's what happens when a series is run into the ground. A long running show is good only if the quality remains. But I don't squarely blame Simpsons, as much as I love the show that I think "outclassed" Simpsons, I do think Family guy helped.

Family Guy introduced a new kind of humor that I don't think everyone was ready for when it first came on: random crap. Robot Chicken, Harvey Birdman, and Perfect Hair Forever are signs of what kind of humor people really seem to like these days.

Family guy literally pulls anything and everything out of their ass. They parody stuff from everything: The Bewitched movie, GI Joe, Transformers, Superman, Bed Bath and Beyond, Spider man "Everyone gets one.....ONE".

;D I loved that one.

I think Bloo has actually changed from nice guy prankster to pain in the ass actually. I still think Bloo is a good guy deep down but if you watch how he acted in season 1 and what he's become now, he's lost A LOT of his good side.

That is part of what makes him funny but he's probably the only character I have ever seen who has regressed rather then evolved. Which like I said, is still funny.

10-11-2006, 06:21 AM
I think Bloo has just gotten comfortable at Foster's. But they still manage to show his soft and tender side now and then. :D

10-14-2006, 12:08 AM
My pleasure. The pilot counts as 3 episodes. I've never seen them in episode format, only as a 90 minute movie.

You're lucky you saw it in movie format. ;)
I'm even sick of watching it as 3 episodes.

About Bloo: It's kinda right. He was mean in IOHSFY, but I heard Bloo's the Boss shows his "good side" again. :bloogrin

Mr. Marshmallow
10-14-2006, 04:10 PM
About Bloo: It's kinda right. He was mean in IOHSFY, but I heard Bloo's the Boss shows his "good side" again. :bloogrin

Yeah it does, but it also shows him at probably his lowest form of stupidity and insanity that I think blows away anything "weird" you've see on this show before.

Trust me, once you see Bloo in this episode, you won't be the same.

10-14-2006, 04:27 PM
Yeah it does, but it also shows him at probably his lowest form of stupidity and insanity that I think blows away anything "weird" you've see on this show before.

Trust me, once you see Bloo in this episode, you won't be the same.

I'm getting more intrigued by the minute here. Just a gentle reminder to everyone, don't give away too many details, lest we spoil the suprise for those without On Demand. ;)

10-14-2006, 06:19 PM
Yeah it does, but it also shows him at probably his lowest form of stupidity and insanity that I think blows away anything "weird" you've see on this show before.

Trust me, once you see Bloo in this episode, you won't be the same.

He's been an A-grade pupil in both of these departments as much as weirdness is a Foster's staple... so I guess that pumps me up for the episode even more. 8D

Invader Bloo
11-11-2006, 08:57 PM
I scratch all episodes I menat alot of the episodes. I still like Homer both versions are good IMO. But the dumb oaf one was better.the recent mob episode was really funny "...the greatest mob movie ever.."Shark tale"8D

I hope season 5 is even better than 4 which is the best quality Foster's has had so far!

12-02-2016, 09:36 PM
Season 2!