View Full Version : Locked Forums

04-22-2007, 06:25 PM
This is just one to say, I finally figured out how to use the "Locked Forum" icon. You know how at the bottom of the main page it shows you icons meaning New Posts, No New Posts, and A Locked Forum (or "Forum Is Closed For Posting," or something else - the text on different skins vary)? Okay well, this Announcement forum *is* locked, but the right icon would never show for it, and I finally found out how to set that.

However what that means is, that people who are not logged in (and therefore to *them* ALL forums are locked) will see the Locked Forum icon for ALL the forums. I just wanted to make an announcement about it so that people will know why suddenly the icons changed (especially for people who are not logged in) - it does NOT mean that Never Forgotten is closed. It just means, now that I have fixed the icon issue, that if you see the locked forum icon, you cannot post in there. Since guests cannot post anywhere, they will see the locked forum icon on every board. It *should* have been this way from the beginning but I didn't know how to set it up properly.

Okay? :terrsmile: Good.

edit: Oh by the way - there are two icons for locked forums, one indicating a locked forum with read posts and one indicating a locked forum with unread posts. The icon that appears on the main page is actually for a locked forum with read posts, meaning that if, for example, you use the "Best Friends" skin and you see an Eduardo icon, it means a Locked Forum with unread posts. It will turn into Coco (the one shown as being for locked forums on the main page) once you've read the posts. For example. I know, whatever, right? I didn't design the system, guys. :P The icon for a locked forum with read posts is always the one displayed in the little icon key.