View Full Version : Happy 40,000th Post, Never Forgotten!

Ditchy McAbandonpants
04-13-2007, 05:16 AM
That's right, as of this message, Never Forgotten has hit the big 40,000, and I reckon that's a special occasion. :bloogrin:

To be honest, I really just wanted to take the opportunity to give a big hand to Sparky for all the hard work, time and effort she's spent starting and maintaining this marvellous site. :terrsmile:

Of course, keeping a place like this under control wouldn't be possible without a team of secret police kind, helpful moderators and admins, so take a bow pitbulllady, CG, Cassini, ORD and taranchula. :frankiesmile:

:D:cheesegrin::bloocross: Viva Never Forgotten! Here's to 40,000 more! :bloocross::cheesegrin::D

(And yes, I have basically been camping here most of the day waiting for the counter to hit 39,999. Man, you people are slow to post when I want you to. :P)

Imaginary Light
04-13-2007, 11:29 AM
Wow, 40,000 posts already?:o That truly shows how active and awesome this board is, and how dedicated Foster's fans are!

04-13-2007, 12:49 PM
Wow, I'm still alive. :terrsmile: Lol, thanks.

04-13-2007, 05:27 PM
Much obliged, I wasn't in the greatest mood today, so getting a little recognition helped to perk me up a little.

Now enough slacking, let's try and get this here forum up to 50,000 posts!

I am doing my part, so you all do yours. :bloogrin:

One Radical Dude
04-13-2007, 07:06 PM
That's great and all, but personally, I don't care about the number of posts here. But if one thinks it's such a great thing, well, then that's fine. :P