View Full Version : Driver License

02-21-2007, 05:09 AM
oooh man, i'm so happy about yesterday.
since yesterday i own my driver license. the last test for was quite easy but i was really excited.

here in germany there are hundreds of different street signs so i must be very carefull. but now i've done it 8-)

the next week i will look for a good car. i would like a Ford Capri MK3 most^^
but it was built in the 80's and in the little town i live there are almost one of them for sale.

thats not the car which is selling here,but i have no pics of it so i take this other Capri:frankiesmile:

02-21-2007, 07:01 AM
Congratulations! :)

02-21-2007, 08:22 AM
thanks a lot:frankiesmile:

02-21-2007, 08:42 AM
Congrats to ya! By the way, the Capri has been around much longer. My parents had a pair of them back in '73 (his and hers):frankiesmile:

02-21-2007, 08:44 AM

it took me a lot of time to made it. i think i've began in september 06.
but i think,better late then never:D

02-21-2007, 08:45 AM
Good for you! I hear Drivers Licenses are much harder to obtain in Germany, and i failed twice 8-) . Rock on.

02-21-2007, 08:27 PM
Hooray! :terrsmile: I didn't learn to drive until I was like, 20. Lol.

One Radical Dude
02-21-2007, 08:38 PM
Actually, one of my friends didn't drive until he was a bit over 20. It doesn't matter; it's better than never. :)

Congrats for obtaining your license.

02-21-2007, 08:55 PM
Congratulations!:) :bloocross: ;) :D :-/ :herriman: :frankiesmile: :goo:

02-21-2007, 10:30 PM
thanks thanks thanks^^
that's so nice of you:frankiesmile:

in my driving school,our teacher told us one day. that he had a 78 woman which would learn to drive, she needed over 5 years and then she leaved, cause she didn't pass in all that time

02-22-2007, 01:37 AM
Congrats! :-*

02-22-2007, 03:55 AM
I had no idea it was that tough to get a driver's license in Germany! I know that in the US, the minimum driver age varies from state-to-state, and it's only 15 here in South Carolina. We have a two-part test; one is a multiple-choice written test(now take on computer)that you must pass before you can even get a learner's permit, and the other is the actual test, where you go out for a drive with a State Trooper, who tells you what to do and scores how well(or not)you do it. A LOT of people in my state can't pass the first part, because so many cannot read on that level(which is like, a fifth grade level)well enough to understand the questions, or their reading comprehension is so low that even if they can read the words, they still don't know what they're being asked. Fortunately, I passed both tests easily when I was 15(boy that was a LONG time ago), since I learned to drive in my dad's 1972 International Scout(now THAT was an SUV), and if you could drive that thing, you could handle anything on wheels!


02-22-2007, 04:58 AM
yeah,in germany there are these two part tests,too.
the first is the written test,and yeah,here it is with multiple choice,too:frankiesmile:
and the second is that driving test. but many people say it's hard to pass because here in germany are thousands of different rules. It give a big book called StVO (Strassenverkehrsordnung). It has thousand sites i think, maybe a bit more or less. in that book are all the rules written down.

But i don't believe that's only one person here you know all o them :D

and the minimum driver age here is 17. but it's quite stupid. when you want to make a driver license at an age of 17 and you pass it. then it's only allowed to drive when someone who had the license for longer than 5 years sit next to you. that's somekind of stupid i think.

the normal driver age it's been allowed to drive a car ALONE is 18 here

02-22-2007, 05:07 AM
yeah,in germany there are these two part tests,too.
the first is the written test,and yeah,here it is with multiple choice,too:frankiesmile:
and the second is that driving test. but many people say it's hard to pass because here in germany are thousands of different rules. It give a big book called StVO (Strassenverkehrsordnung). It has thousand sites i think, maybe a bit more or less. in that book are all the rules written down.

But i don't believe that's only one person here you know all o them :D

and the minimum driver age here is 17. but it's quite stupid. when you want to make a driver license at an age of 17 and you pass it. then it's only allowed to drive when someone who had the license for longer than 5 years sit next to you. that's somekind of stupid i think.

the normal driver age it's been allowed to drive a car ALONE is 18 here

That's how it is in South Carolina, with the exception of the minimum age. The written test is based on a large driver's manual, which has all the signs and rules in it, and since most of the younger wannabe drivers can't read it, or won't take time to read it, and study it, they can't pass the written test. Afte getting a first license, you still cannot drive alone for one year, but must be accompanied by someone who has had a license for at least five years here, too, and you cannot drive after dark, period. After driving for one year, with no citations, you can finally drive alone.


02-22-2007, 05:15 AM
wow,i have'nt known that there are so many things are the same:frankiesmile:

i've seen lots of the younger one's are failed the writen test,too.
most of them are just to lazy to learn hard for it. but then when they must doing the test. then they're in panic because they don't know anything. and it costs lots of money,too. i've paid for it 1800 Euro,maybe a little bit more. thats a bit more 2365 $

02-22-2007, 10:14 AM

i totally fear that i'd accidentally crash into a sign or run a red light the day i get my license. oh well, good luck and wear your seatbelt. SAFETY FIRST (8

02-23-2007, 01:23 AM
yeah,that was my fear,too:frankiesmile:
the first day,when drive without teacher scared me a bit, but now it goes........the most time:D