View Full Version : SNOW

02-20-2007, 02:58 PM
*weeps dramicly for she has never seen the plase with out the snow* Omg im so happy its gone. Sorry felt like saying it.

02-21-2007, 05:05 PM
Haha, I felt the same once the snow was gone. I haven't seen it without snow until now either!

02-21-2007, 08:52 PM
I thought it was pretty sweet. Today I finally saw my lawn at home because the snow is almost melted all away and then the Foster's lawn was there for me to see too. sniff sniff.

02-22-2007, 03:31 AM
I thought it was pretty sweet. Today I finally saw my lawn at home because the snow is almost melted all away and then the Foster's lawn was there for me to see too. sniff sniff.

We still have a good foot of snow on the ground, It started melting Yesterday so it may take a few more days to melt back down. I miss the grass, but I do not miss mowing the lawn. or picking up the debris.

MOnty :-/

02-22-2007, 11:45 AM
God, it was a good winter till bout two weeks ago and it puked snow. So i still have a good tno and a half feet. But its nice outside finally. Cant wait till it looks like the game in real life lol. I slipped on ice and fell on my bum :'( *ha my fav word when i cant say the other version*

02-24-2007, 04:23 PM
It doesn't snow where I live in CA, but our rainy winters tend to last well into March and April. I miss the snow at Fosters! But the background I use for these boards is the "Snow Buddy" version, so I'll get my neverending winter that way. :)