View Full Version : no Favors?

01-28-2007, 04:18 PM
Hi guys
you know I am reading your posts about favors- it hasn't let me do any favors in weeks. I think I only did a few. I walk up to characters (wilt, ed, etc) and they just say something random. are favors over or am i doing something wrong?


01-28-2007, 04:33 PM
In order for you to do favors, you have to make sure there is space for them. If all circles are full, you can't do a favor until you select to get a friend to do part of your chores.

01-28-2007, 05:22 PM
Antgirl is right. You know how Wilt, Eduardo, Frankie or Mac appear in little circles in the lower left corner of the game screen when you do favors for them? At least one of those circles has to be empty to perform a new favor. To empty them, you need to ask one of them to do one of your chores. I usually ask them to do a simple chore (garbage, fridge) for me to free up the space so I can fill up my popularity bar.

01-29-2007, 12:50 AM
Just in case your circles aren't filled with 4 friends...

Be sure to check Notey (press the N key) and make sure you aren't in the middle of a favor or an adventure. You cannot do either one if you are in the middle of something. On the right side, where it says "Current Activity," you'll notice if you are in the middle of a favor or adventure. If you are, and aren't sure of what it is you're supposed to be doing, click on the "?" question mark along the left side and it will show you the last dialog you had for the adventure.

Hope one of our tips helps!
~Vicks :bloogrin

01-29-2007, 05:09 AM
When you ask a friend to complete a chore for you they do HAlf of the chore rounded Up. so if you have to do 7 they will complete 4 of it, if you have 8 they will do 4.

So I usually do the easy stuff, and ask a riend to complete the last half of my last chore, that way I always have a free spot to do a chore.
It is a lot easyer to find three of seven windows and then call a friend then to check every room.

Monty :-/

04-14-2007, 06:42 AM
i dont know why i cant do any more favors i only filled one cirlse and thats with mac?? sparky im waiting for an answer so hurry up

04-14-2007, 12:24 PM
Click on Notey (or type "n") and see if you are in the middle of an Adventure or a Favor. If you are, then you can't do anything for anyone else until you finish that first.

If you are not in the middle of something else, then it could be a glitch or something and the game needs to be reset after midnight.

I know others have had this same problem and these two reasons have been the most common. You may want to read through some other threads like the Question about the game one for what others have figured out. :bloogrin:

04-14-2007, 03:08 PM
i dunno y i cant do favors only one of the cirles is full and tas macs i cant do anymore favores

I know that I speak for a lot of people when I request that you make an effort to type like an intelligent person next time you post, because what you just said is basically an insult to the intelligence of everyone else here.

04-16-2007, 07:31 AM
I was wondering the same thing myself. Now i'll make sure to leave at least 2 empty spots for more favors. ;)