View Full Version : C'mon down to South Park!

08-18-2006, 12:17 PM
Well, I know a few people here like South Park. Just wondering what the rest of you thought. Personally, I think that if you excluded the coarse language and some of the more violent or not so "clean" scenes, you'd actually have a very beautiful story with a very clear message. So, uh...what say you?

08-18-2006, 12:24 PM
Personally, I think if you excluded the coarse language and some of the more violent or not so "clean" scenes, you'd have nothing but commercials. But seriously though, folks, seriously though, it's got great characters and great music, and that anime spoof episode, "Good Times With Weapons" made me rofl because it was so accurate.

08-18-2006, 02:45 PM
LOL. What I meant to say was that South Park would still be great and all without the profanity, but not cut out the whole scene. Just no cursing and stuff.

08-18-2006, 02:58 PM
Why no cursing? Who does it hurt?

08-18-2006, 03:01 PM
Well, it makes my mom mad.

08-18-2006, 03:29 PM
It's put in so that it attaracts the mainstream. If you peel away all the layers and just watch the episodes, though, usually you end up with some very brilliant commenting on today's society. The fact that they can get it in there without shoving it down your throat is genius. Usually Kyle or Stan ends up making a speech in which they sum up the entire point of the show. Cartman is just... hehe...

08-18-2006, 03:45 PM
Cartman is just... hehe...

....winning at life. He is great.

But yeah, Stan and/or Kyle's "I learned something today" speeches are good at summing up what they were trying to say, but it's usually pretty easy to figure out.

08-18-2006, 04:39 PM
It's put in so that it attaracts the mainstream. If you peel away all the layers and just watch the episodes, though, usually you end up with some very brilliant commenting on today's society. The fact that they can get it in there without shoving it down your throat is genius. Usually Kyle or Stan ends up making a speech in which they sum up the entire point of the show. Cartman is just... hehe...

I guess that's what I was trying to say, but I didn't express myself very well. Take away the profanity and you still have a wonderful satire and sometimes a very good moral. Even with the cursing, South Park still can deliver an important message to its viewers.

And I think there's usually a piano playing in the background while they're doing the "I learned something" speech. Always same tune.

08-18-2006, 05:07 PM
Eh, usually characters have thier own music for the moment. Notice Goo has her own little stuff that's ALWAYS in the background?

I pretty much copied that verbatim from what my brothers said a while back. They certainly have some... interesting... stoylines...

08-21-2006, 11:24 AM
With South Park the course language is usually not the punchline, it's just part of their language. And they are very socially aware . It is a smart show with a funny art style.
"I'm cereal guys, cereal."- SPs version of Al Gore

08-21-2006, 04:17 PM
Don't get me wrong. I love South Park. I love how they poke fun at modern society and politics.

08-21-2006, 05:03 PM
I love their animation style. Gives some of us hope.. hehe...

08-21-2006, 07:13 PM
What do you mean? (Yeah. I'm slow when it comes to picking up hints.)

08-21-2006, 08:10 PM
I used to LOVE them when they first came out. But now they just aren't funny anymore and sometimes cruel. Like the kids in school who picked on others. I'm into that kind of humor. Though when they poke fun at celebrities I can't stand (Tom Cruise) then I do enjoy them.

08-21-2006, 11:03 PM
I was kind of sad that Isaac Hayes left because of the whole Scientology thing. That made me mad.

08-21-2006, 11:35 PM
Yeah, it was kinda cruel of them to do that.

08-22-2006, 02:13 AM
I think Isaac Hayes was in the wrong for leaving. He only left because they made fun of his religion. He has no problem with making fun of everyone else, but when it comes to his own he gets whiny. A pox on Mr.Hayes! A POX!

08-22-2006, 06:07 AM
What do you mean? (Yeah. I'm slow when it comes to picking up hints.)

We crappy animators, I mean.

08-22-2006, 06:24 AM
I think Isaac Hayes was in the wrong for leaving. He only left because they made fun of his religion. He has no problem with making fun of everyone else, but when it comes to his own he gets whiny. A pox on Mr.Hayes! A POX!

I felt the same way. How can he sit there and help them make fun of everyone else on the planet and then get 'upset' when they did it on his own religon? Ugh. It's south park! He should know what to expect from them.

08-22-2006, 06:50 AM
Yeah... Exactly. That annoyed me too, if you're going to poke fun at others you need to be able to poke fun at yourself first.

08-22-2006, 11:18 AM
Now I see it in a whole new light.

Before, I just thought that it was cruel for Trey Parker and Matt Stone to make fun of Scientology because it indirectly meant hurting Isaac Hayes. But now I see what you guys mean, and it's very true.

08-22-2006, 11:40 AM
Well, Kyle said it in the cartoon wars episodes, that you have to either make EVERYTHING ok to make fun of, or nothing is.

08-22-2006, 11:48 AM
I never saw Cartoon Wars, so OK.

Imaginary Light
08-24-2006, 08:55 AM
I LOVE South Park!
Anyone else think that Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and even Kenny are a little too mature for the age of 8 (well, in the newer episodes...age of 9)?

08-24-2006, 10:07 AM
I'm quite fond of this show. It's not a personal favorite, and it can sometimes get pretty tiresome, but it's pretty charming and the simple fact that it somehow manages to be crude and innocent at the same time makes it good in my book. I gotta say, the last few seasons, that focus more on "let's make fun of this particular subject", are quite enjoyable (Cartoon Wars was excellent, for instance, and so were Best Friends Forever, Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow and such), but Season 6 is, to me, the best thing the show's ever produced. It managed to link all the episodes in a convincing storyline (the boys' life after Kenny's death, first trying various substitutes and then having his soul inside Cartman's body) and practically every episode was fantastic (with only one true dud, "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society"). A Ladder To Heaven, The Return Of The Fellowship Of The Ring To The Two Towers, Free Hat, Professor Chaos or The Simpsons Already Did It still hold up as some of the biggest laughs I've ever had.
Anyone else think that Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and even Kenny are a little too mature for the age of 8 (well, in the newer episodes...age of 9)?
It depends. They seem to be too mature whenever Matt and Trey use them as puppets to express themselves ("I've learned something today..."), but most of the time they actually seem incredibly realistic to me - sure, a bit heavy-handed, but well-treated overall. I've known dozens of kids who were practically like that at 8-9 (well, they didn't feed people their parents... forget Cartman), if only because, even if they're like that, they always seem to keep a certain naive feel that makes them quite charming. I personally think Matt and Trey do a far better job with the kids than with the adults, even if they're supposed to be distorsed, one-joke versions of reality. The angry mobs are getting pretty tiresome, really.

08-24-2006, 03:27 PM
Speaking of Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society, that was one of the episodes that stuck out to me as being one of the times when they were like real little kids (another one being Stan's "and they hypnotized him with a little thing that goes whirirrr" in The Return of Chef) because they were into Bebe's boobs without really being aware that they were into Bebe's boobs. Butters almost always acts young, too. I love Butters.

Cartman does not count because he is psychotic.

08-24-2006, 04:03 PM
Cartman does not count because he is psychotic.

I prefer to think of him as... "gifted". Yeah, that's it, gifted. ;) :D

08-24-2006, 04:28 PM
Yeah, sometimes they don't seem to be like little eight and nine-year-olds.

Cartman's in his own class. I have a grudge against the fat boy because he's always trying to make Kyle cry or make life miserable for Kyle. But other than that, he's cool.

My sister was so devastated when she saw that Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman had hair. She was moaning about it for days.

08-24-2006, 04:29 PM
Cartman is like a combination of Bloo and Berry. Ugh...

Plus some swearing.

08-25-2006, 08:51 PM
I really don't like this show, but I like Cartman.

"Respect mah authoritah!" (or something like that)

08-27-2006, 09:10 AM
I think 'authoritah' should be put in the dictionary.

08-27-2006, 04:16 PM
Ya rly.

08-29-2006, 04:14 AM
I love South Park. Kyle and Cartman especially (but also Butters and Stan...never quite got into Kenny as much, but he's cool too). It's just...so great. And Scott Tenorman Must Die is possibly the best plot twist ever.

Not to mention it's side splittingly hilarious. Between Cartman and Randy, I'm completely helpless.

08-30-2006, 10:37 AM
And Scott Tenorman Must Die is possibly the best plot twist ever.

The finger in the chili...priceless.

08-30-2006, 12:36 PM
Randy is absolutely awesome. Stan has the coolest dad in the whole show.

And Butters is so adorable, if I had any desire to ever have children I'd want to adopt him.

08-30-2006, 05:45 PM
"Hmm, what's the best way to put this...alright, everyone who does have a grandmother, step forward. ...Not so fast girls."

Randy owns all.

08-30-2006, 05:55 PM
And Butters is so adorable, if I had any desire to ever have children I'd want to adopt him.
My sister is totally in love with Butters. :P

08-30-2006, 06:04 PM
I love it when I see see him as...


08-30-2006, 10:53 PM
Hey, does any South Park fan like Kenny?

There's a little place in my heart just for him. I think that's mainly because of the episode "Kenny Dies." I was bawling. That episode touched my heart.

I have a thing for characters who always have a hard time. Kenny because he's always dying, and Kyle because Cartman likes to try and make him cry.

08-31-2006, 01:28 AM
I love Kyle for that reason (but more because he's cute when he's frusterated, not to mention has an awesome jew 'fro), but I could never get into Kenny as much because of the "barely-talks-and-when-he-does-its-unintelligable" thing. I did warm up to him considerably after seeing Bigger, Longer, Uncut though. But, outside of a few exceptions, his character hasn't really developed at all. He's still one of the boys though, so I do love him.

What's funny is how many fangirls the guy has. It's awe inspiring! I'm assuming it's because of all the "angst" that can be extracted from someone who's poor and dies every episode. Ugh...just thinking about angst and SP reminds me of their section over at FF.net. It some of the absolute worst badfic anywhere. I mean, everyone is slitting their wrists and the only romance seems to be Kyle/any of the other three boys. WTF??

Imaginary Light
08-31-2006, 08:14 AM
I'm planning on making a Cartman t-shirt that says "Respect mah authoritah!".

I am actually a fan of Kenny, but he's not my favorite (my favorite is Cartman. Yeah, go figue, I love jerks:P ). I can (surprisingly) actually understand Kenny sometimes. Last night I was watching some episodes on my DVDs with my brother, and Kenny said something (that I will not type here, because it's completely unacceptable;) ), and my brother asked me what he said and I told him, word for word. :P

Are you serious, Emma? That's what people write when they write fanfics for South Park?! Blah, the only reason I don't know this is because I've been staying faaaar away from fanfiction.net for a while. I mean, why would someone write a fic where everyone is slitting their wrists and being all emo for something like South Park (unless it was being done as a joke)? It makes me weep. See?: :'(

08-31-2006, 09:58 AM
Ah! A Cartman shirt!

Why do people want to waste their time writing trash about a cartoon? It's disgusting and despicable. Don't they have any sense of shame? I'm glad I never read South Park fanfic. I've read some Foster's, but after doing so, I feel like crying (from sorrow and pain, not happiness). Since then, I haven't ventured to ff.net.

I don't think Kenny can really develop because he hardly talks, and when he does, it's muffled and people (except for Imaginary Light and some others) can't understand what he's saying.

And yeah, Kyle kicks --- :bloocross:

08-31-2006, 10:08 AM
Why do people want to waste their time writing trash about a cartoon? It's disgusting and despicable. Don't they have any sense of shame? I'm glad I never read South Park fanfic. I've read some Foster's, but after doing so, I feel like crying (from sorrow and pain, not happiness). Since then, I haven't ventured to ff.net.

I share your pain. Some twisted people just don't have anything better to do with their time. I've never read any South Park fanfics either, and I likely never will. The Foster's stuff is bad enough; I don't want to even think about what might be written about Cartman and the others. :(

08-31-2006, 10:12 AM
I share your pain. Some twisted people just don't have anything better to do with their time. I've never read any South Park fanfics either, and I likely never will. The Foster's stuff is bad enough; I don't want to even think about what might be written about Cartman and the others. :(

The thought of it makes me shudder.

08-31-2006, 10:22 AM
"Hmm, what's the best way to put this...alright, everyone who does have a grandmother, step forward. ...Not so fast girls."

Randy owns all.

"Bloody Mary" made me love him to death. "I have a disease... that is very sick." He's the coolest dad ever.

On the subject of South Park fanfiction: I won't go too in-depth on the horrors I've seen, but I will say one thing: Cartman and Kyle don't like each other, guys! Sometimes hate is just hate!

Kenny's massive amount of fangirls puzzles me -- maybe it's because he's got the cutest hair, but we never get to see it. I'm partial to Kyle's Jewfro and Cartman's nerdy 'do that makes me laugh every time I see it, though.

08-31-2006, 10:34 AM
I never knew Kenny had that many fangirls...
I am a fangirl of his, but I like Kyle a bit more.

And Catman's hair -- the first time my sister saw it, she thought it was a wig.

08-31-2006, 12:44 PM
Yeah, their hair is hilarious because it's not often seen. They really works the familial resemblance in well with Stan and Randy, with the hair.

08-31-2006, 02:33 PM
Yup. Well, they are father and son. But then again, sometimes kids don't look anything like their parents.

I got a South Park t-shirt! It has Cartman eating chocolate and the words, "I 'heart' chocolate!" :)

08-31-2006, 04:44 PM
I have one with Stan on it and the words "I learned something today". 8)

Except it's really huge on me so if I wear shorts you can't see them at all. Oh well.

08-31-2006, 05:00 PM
On the subject of South Park fanfiction: I won't go too in-depth on the horrors I've seen, but I will say one thing: Cartman and Kyle don't like each other, guys! Sometimes hate is just hate!

Ugh, so true. I mean, blah. Of all pairings in any fandom, that's the worst.

Word to the wise, steer clear of South Park fanfic...seriously, you guys.

Shifting gears, the only piece of South Park apparel I own are a pair of boxers with the four boys in their pimp outfits from 'Tooth Fairy Tats 2000'. I love those things. :bloocross:

08-31-2006, 05:30 PM
Yeah, i think I'll stay away from that fan stuff... I'll whack myself on the forehead with a hammer if I want that kind of pain.

08-31-2006, 07:59 PM
I want a jacket like Kenny's so that when I where it, you can't see my mouth...

09-02-2006, 05:34 PM
A thought suddenly occurred to me. Wouldn't it be grand if South Park made an episode that satired crude, cruel fanfics?

09-02-2006, 07:43 PM
I would welcome that episode with open arms. :)

09-02-2006, 08:16 PM
Ha, that'd be tremendous! Think of the fan outrage! It would probably eclipse the infamous overreaction to Trey & Matt's April Fools Joke. :D

09-04-2006, 09:54 AM
I forget which one that was... But i would LOVE that episode. Someone E-Mail them and get them to make it.

09-04-2006, 11:43 AM
I forget which one that was...

They had ended Season 1 with a cliffhanger over who Cartman's father was, and it just so happened that the first episode of Season 2 was set to air on April Fools Day. So Matt & Trey decided to poke fun of their fans and, instead of running the second part of the cliffhanger they ran a Terrence & Phillip episode. I believe they had one of the cheesey recaps followed by, "and the exciting conclusion...will not be seen tonight!" I heard the phones at Comedy Central were ringing off the hook.

09-05-2006, 06:17 AM
Oh yeah, that one. DIdn't they delay it for like a month?

09-07-2006, 02:01 PM
Well, once in my school there was a game with several questions to the classes, and the one who answered them all correctly won. (No, it wasn't us.)

Well, one of the questions was:
In the cartoon series South Park, there's a character that dies each single episode. Who is he and how many times did he die?
Correct answer: Kenny McCormick, all the episodes except the Christmas one.
Wrong answers given by the classes:
- Kenny, we've lost count.
- Kenny, and never, 'cause HE'S STILL ALIVE!!!
- Kenny, and never, 'cause he still lives in our hearts.
- Kenny, and since they've released the PC game called "Kill Kenny", no one counts it any more.

I just found it fun. It appeared in the school newspaper and everyone went ROFL.

09-08-2006, 08:22 PM
At school today, these two girls were complaining about Kenny always dying. They were like, "Why can't they kill somebody else? Kenny's SO cute!"

That was rather random...

Invader Bloo
09-30-2006, 06:22 PM
You should of said "...Because kenny's poor!" ;)

10-04-2006, 03:47 PM
So uh...who here likes Towelie?

I do!

10-04-2006, 08:27 PM
He seems pretty cool. But I have to admit, even by it's standards, "A Million Little Fibers" was absolutely revolting and painful to watch.

I'm starting to really like Butters...

10-05-2006, 05:05 PM
Hmm...I've never seen "A Million Little Fibers." The only Towelie episodes I've seen are "Towelie" and that one show when the boys kick out Butters from their gang and replace him with Tweek. (I've forgotten the title.)

Yeah, Butters is a great kid. Everybody loves Butters!

Invader Bloo
12-21-2006, 11:13 AM
That episode sucked badly, I hate "A Million Little Fibers".
I caught "Woodland Critter Christmas" & I was really disturbed/ dieing of laughter. When I found out Cartman was tellinbg the story. The disturbing ness went away.

02-06-2007, 10:05 AM
South Park is one of my favorite shows. I have watched it since I was eight or nine. In the early episodes, there are sometimes too much fart jokes but otherwise South Park has always been a masterpiece. Stan used to be my favorite character but now I think it's Cartman. Some people think that there's nothing else than controversial humor but if you watch it more, you'll definitely find much more! I had a South Park calendar many years ago and I also have a Stan toy. I just found a tape that had some old episodes such as Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics so I have watched the classics again. How much I didn't understand about the episodes back then... 8D

02-06-2007, 10:17 AM
The other night, I watched the episode where Stan is believed to be the re-incarnated L. Ron Hubbard by the scientologists. It makes fun of scientology, and Tom Cruise - who won't come out of the closet.:frankiesmile: